Just a thought for the fireside chat

in Feedback edited January 2014
I know when you go into this topic now, it has a huge statement about it being watched like any other forum. It may hellp some to change the wording under the title of the forum for fireside chat.

here is what it says

Fireside Chat

Discussion of all things religious, political, or otherwise flame-worthy.

it's slightly mis-leading....I'm sure you already knew this, just thought I'd point it out. It may ease some of the angry people about thread locks and such.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    "flame-worthy" means that they are subjects that generally incite flames, not that you can do whatever you want.

    I don't know why there would be a misunderstanding, can you think of an alternate, because I'm not seeing the problem.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    squashsquash Posts: 332member
    Thanks for the reply Grove...I'm not questioning the rules or intent. Was just pointing out what I believe to be part of the problem. Not everyone can read between the lines like you
  • Reply 3 of 5
    I think 'rat was hoping for a suggestion...

    Ok, pretend you've got Jonathan's powers You're going to change the description to Fireside Chat... what would you change it too?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Yeah, what Jack said.

    Did I come across as hostile? I didn't mean to be at all.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    squashsquash Posts: 332member
    I don't mind the name, but to be honest I'd take the flame-worthy part out of description. It's misleading, because people think it implies more freedom. That's not true, since the same basic rules apply.

    I believe many thought it was an open flame away forum, yet many threads get closed if they flame too much, so it's just leads to pissed off people when threads are locked.
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