Gotta love the AppleInsider home page!
It's got timely, accurate headlines like:
Apple to Slash Prices on New iBooks
Mac OS X 10.2.2 Near Finalized with 6F19 Seeding
Apple to Revamp Portable Line in November
SlapTech Acquires AppleInsider *
* This is my favorite headline. SlapTech slapped an awesome home page on AppleInsider.
I think the new AppleInsider home page is as good as Google News. Right up there anyway.
You should also check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> It too is full of joy joy goodness.
It currently says:
This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing department as soon as possible:
Apple to Slash Prices on New iBooks
Mac OS X 10.2.2 Near Finalized with 6F19 Seeding
Apple to Revamp Portable Line in November
SlapTech Acquires AppleInsider *
* This is my favorite headline. SlapTech slapped an awesome home page on AppleInsider.
I think the new AppleInsider home page is as good as Google News. Right up there anyway.
You should also check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> It too is full of joy joy goodness.
It currently says:
This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing department as soon as possible:
I think it would be really cool if the homepage had a display like Google news. A server could comb through the threads and find the most talked about threads that people with good credibility have posted too. (I am not sure if credibility would equal post number) The best rumor threads would then be condenced and displayed on the homepage as a mini story. The text for the story could be determined by how often text from the thread was quoted/repeated etc. This homepage would take immense programming effort but it would be well worth it if it worked. This would really get Appleinsider noticed.
<img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
Yea, google style would rule...
<strong>I think it's all code for the imminent fall of AI, probably for good if it happens again.</strong><hr></blockquote>I've said it before; I'll say it again.
We *do* have a backup plan for if MacNN or whatever server provider we're on gives out on us. The backup server has a carbon copy of AppleInsider based on a recent backup. The server and forum software are fully functional RIGHT NOW. Of course, we're not giving out the address unless absolutely necessary.
If AI died tonight, though, how would we notify users of the change? Simple: use the second server's UBB database to collect everyone's e-mail and send out an announcement of the new address. There's one good reason for people to keep the e-mail in their profile up to date.
What's even better is that this server is run by one of "us" and we have full access to it (unlike currently with MacNN). That means that we could finally transition into vBulletin, among other things.
[ 11-13-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
<strong>so why don't we just run away to the new server? It would make the stuff much more easier.</strong><hr></blockquote>
because we will have to make a small contribution in order to access the boards. There is no more free server than free PC
Long live AI.
It's cute, but I dont like it all that much!
Just my .02
because we will have to make a small contribution in order to access the boards. There is no more free server than free PC
Long live AI.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm willing to pay for a good server. if it's even gonna include server storage, I'm definetly in. dreaming, I know.
you get the Apple Insider page.
but if you go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
you get MacNN's page
i know you know this but....
[ 11-18-2002: Message edited by: burningwheel ]</p>