Safari re-installation

in macOS
Hi there! I am providing tutorial on mac security for my clients. I am basically showing how to fix system and Safari settings so I change these too often on my Mac. Few weeks ago, Safari crashed, presumably because of too many interventions into its settings. I could not find a way to reinstalling it for a good while until after Mac major update reinstalled ll the built-in software. 
My question is if anyone has faced a similar problem? If yes, have you found Safari independent installation package? Have you ever experienced issues in Safari?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    My Airplay music streaming gets stucked for a second when accessing sites using Apple Safari such as google analytics, google search, appleinsider. Not all sites, only some sites.
    edited October 2020 Zemule
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Thank you, Black_baron, for your reply. If you would like to know my experience, I have never had any issues with other software performance that I would blame Safari for.
    As regards my problem with Safari, it was a total crash. I did not find any meaningful advices for such cases, I guess Safari normally just does not crash unless you are a geek meddling into its settings. However, a would-be hacker can exploit this vulnerability. It can run a privilege escalation attach like that in the famous case of the 'Homebrew inviting its user's to get pwned' reported by philastokes. The guy is now an Apple stuff member. Here is the article.
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