Moved: USB 2.0 vs Firewire: Which should we use?
Will USB 2.0 really be as fast and flexible as Firewire? If not, should we care that people think it is? If it is, should we worry about those trashing Fireware (and by implication its proponents like Apple and me)?
<a href="http:// 20020730192000&w=RTR&coview=" target="_blank">web page</a>
[ 07-31-2002: Message edited by: Jonathan ]</p>
<a href="http:// 20020730192000&w=RTR&coview=" target="_blank">web page</a>
[ 07-31-2002: Message edited by: Jonathan ]</p>
Use Firewire if possible.
Use Firewire if possible.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Thank you hmurchison. That is where I am in my thnking, but I wonder why there is the need to claim otherwise? I'm looking forward to all the firewire products that will emerge and I'm using my Cube to pump out music to my little iPod and have played a bit with video on my iMac---luckily I don't own my own video camera, so settle for iPhoto and my Canon G1.
I will now shut my mouth and leave it up to others to explain the other pros of FW.
A USB will slow down if there is a slower device on it downstream.
Firewire will make more an more sense when people realize that it's a flexible connection that will soon show up in more consumer electronics. It's future is bright but Apple will have to push the market forward.
Firewire will probably continue to dominate the pro market for such devices, simply because it's already entrenched, but consumer grade stuff is going USB2.
This is going to general discussion, as it is a 'debate' about USB 2 vs Firewire.