Apple On The Move In Asia... New Product?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I've tried to find a direct link to the article, but I believe The Commerical Times is a local newspaper that doesn't publish articles online.

For what its worth, I believe the "...increase this year." is a new hardware product coming out of Taiwan in 2002 (5 months left).

"Apple is quite confident of teaming up with Taiwan information technology leaders to jointly set up successful operating modules. The company will continue increasing its outsourced production as one of its decided policies, and that will further favor Taiwan's high-tech contract manufacturers. In 2001, Apple purchased around US$3 billion in Taiwan. The figure is expected to increase this year."

<a href=" 6874&mid=241764" target="_blank"> 6874&mid=241764</a>


  • Reply 1 of 4
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    [quote]Originally posted by JPF:

    <strong>"...increase this year."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Does that surprise you? Cheaper means of producing boards! Finding better, cheaper ways of producing hardware is commonplace in these turbulent times. Could you imagine what, oh say, an iMac would cost if completely built in the US?
  • Reply 2 of 4
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Hmmmmm Apple.....Firwire....Taiwan.......Convergence. Sounds intersting.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Right now in Japan and Asia sub notebooks are really popular such as the sony picturebook, are we going to see a device like that from apple?
  • Reply 4 of 4
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    The reason that apple has moved plants the Asia is because the US goverment has an ANTI BUSINESS POLICY!!!!!!! Companies can not afford to produce things in America anymore. Thats the real reason ( along with mutiple other reasons) why the economy is doing so bad. I feel sorry for all the people that will lose there jobs when plants are moved over seas. In time.
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