should we expect an i-mac-like studiodisplay?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
i think it could be possible apple reveals an i-mac-like studiodisplay in near future. it is a great system...


  • Reply 1 of 9
    digixdigix Posts: 109member
    New designs on the Studio Displays, new designs on the Power Macs?

    The Studio Displays after all, are meant to be complements of the Power Macs.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I don't know. The iMac gets away with the single base because that base is about 20 pounds. With a lighter base, a studio display would be less stable. An studio display would be top heavy and have an dynamic center of gravity.

    With the current displays, there are 3 legs, so the screen is always stable.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member
    It would be a great idea however as Eugene points out the iMac gets away with it because it has a 20 pound base. There is no way they could produce a 23" studio display as an iMac style display without having a massive and rather ugly counter weifght... They would need a metal very dense (Like denser than Lead/mercury) to make it look good, and that aint going happen... Well not until the distant future
  • Reply 4 of 9
    xionjaxionja Posts: 504member
    They could do a really nice balance lcd with cool looking stand sorta thing, ya know the plastic bird that balance just on the tip of their beak? So a nice stainless steal, curvy stand, the screen with two rods coming out of it can have the semimobility, likt the imac. So the screen just perches their balanced perfectly. The stand could have a circlar base with two rods going up to meet the horazontal rods coming out of the screen.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    I think Jesfro meant that we might see a studio display in the dimenions of the new iMac display. Not necessarily with the tilt-n-swivel arm.

    Just a regular studio display setup with the 1440 screen.

    Maybe he didnt mean that but it would definitely price the display out of a lot of peoples range by adding that expensive arm to a small display.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    the g5the g5 Posts: 42member
    i was just talking to a co-worker about my old 21" crt studio display. it has a base with 3 legs. this can totally support a chrome arm, with a large flat panel.

    if the base looked like the imac base, it would have to be extremely heavy.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    gamblorgamblor Posts: 446member
    I, for one, hope Apple produces monitors on articulating arms like the iMac. They'd have the most ergonomic monitors on the market, even if they had bases with 20 lb. hunks of steel in them for balance.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    arisaris Posts: 65member
    what they need to do is make some way for you to swivil the display 90 degrees so it could be in a sort of "portrait mode" for easier viewing of large amounts of texts and webpages.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    mediamanmediaman Posts: 169member
    Didn't Sony produce a LCD with a 'iMac' style arm & base? <visits Google image search, and finds lots of broken/out of date pages>

    This is a poor pic but it has a similar stand to the iMac
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