Marklar (Jaguar for x86)

in macOS edited January 2014
I was browsing the net, and found a list of codenames used by Microsoft. One, of which was Marklar, a code name for Apple MacOS X 10.2 for X86.

The list is on Blink.

Is this a known fact ? or is this something I missed in the past ? Seems interesting that MS would have a name for an Apple product!



  • Reply 1 of 1
    Just do a search on here. Many threads exist on this subject already. It was basically Apple's Ace-up-the-sleeve in case the PPC situation became hopeless and forced them to switch to AMD/Intel. With the advent of the PPC 970 from IBM, I think Marklar can be put back in the "In Case Of Emergency...Break Glass" display case on the wall of Steve's office .
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