Shoutcast Server
How do I set up Shoutcast Server for Mac OS X? I've tried but I can't figure out how to connect to it. All help is appreciated. Here's a link to download the program. It's a terminal app...
I reallly hope they make an Aqua GUI for it sometime soon... Like maybe their next release.
BTW I would have posted this at the Nullsoft site but I didn't wanna make an additional account. heh.
I reallly hope they make an Aqua GUI for it sometime soon... Like maybe their next release.
BTW I would have posted this at the Nullsoft site but I didn't wanna make an additional account. heh.
1. Download the software I linked to in the first message of this thread.
2. Once it's been downloaded open up the CONF file and fill in these things:
a. Admin Password
b. your current IP address.
Your IP address goes under the NETWORK CONFIGURATION part of the CONF file. In order to open it it needs a text editor. Textedit works just fine. You'll need to enter your IP twice: once for the destination IP and once for the source IP. They're labeled as SrcIP and DestIP.
3. Though you'd have to scroll back up to set this and it doesnt really matter what order this is done in you need to set the PORTBASE. This is the IP port number your server will run on. Make sure you chose a port that isn't already in use. If you don't have a static IP/connection you'll have to reset your IP each time.
4. Unless you feel comfortable exposing your IP to people that you want to hear your station I suggest you get a Dynamic DNS at I'm sure you all know what a DNS is so I won't explain it here. That DNS will remember your IP with the DNS client you download at that site.
5. Launch and navigate to where you have downloaded the program. Then type ./sc_serv. If everything is setup correctly you should see at the bottom <sleeping> 0 active listeners <0 unique>.
5. Get a program such as Audion or Macamp Lite X and start to broadcast your music of choice. You can get Audion here. The only thing is.... It's shareware and until you pay for it it will only run for 30 minutes at a time. It's only $15.
If you'd like MacAmp Lite X go here.
OK well good luck and have fun. If you can please listen to my station at Paste that into iTunes' OPEN STREAM command.
Oh and one other thing. I almost forgot. In order to broadcast you need not only enough bandwidth but the BROADCAST plugin, if you chose Mac AMP that is. Go to and download it. It goes into the Plugins folder. If it doesn't exist create it. Then.... Launch Macamp Lite X go to WINDOWS--->Plugins or cmd-2 to bring up the Plugins window. Then navigate down to OUTPUT and select the BROADCAST plugin. Then click the EDIT button and enter your server's information. The rest is self explanatory. Post here if you have any troubles or concerns.