RAID/MDD question

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay, so I have an MDD and four identical 80GB drives. I am using the two channels on the motherboard, rather than a RAID adapter card.

I want to create two 160GB RAID level 0 stripe sets. Should I have the Master/Slave on each channel striped together? Or should I have the Master/Master, and Slave/Slave of both channels striped together?

I'm sure I heard somewhere that there are speed benefits if the a RAID stripe set spans two independent channels. However, there is only a single UltraATA/100 interface (which the stock hard disk is fitted to as standard) and the other is an UltraATA/66 interface. If I stipe the sets across the channels this will mean that boths sets are limited to the UltraATA/66 speed won't they...?

Anyone out there an expert on this?

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