Will next chip come from nVidia-Apple ?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
<a href="http://www.spymac.com/"; target="_blank">http://www.spymac.com/</a>;

An interesting tidbit from a reliable Apple source claims the existence of a totally unexpected and, to date, totally secret cooperation between Apple's product development team and nVIDIA Corporation.

The story commands at least a hint of credence, in that nVIDIA's founder and president, Jen-Hsun Huang, has clearly undertaken a product roadmap that will lead to that company's own complete future motherboard and processor set, all aimed at graphics and multimedia intensive CPU usage. What more apt application of such a computational platform could be made than within Apple's upcoming high-end professional product line strategy?

With nVIDIA's growing success and its well announced intent to develop a less processor intensive computing topology based on special-purpose off-chip processors, who's to say this latest news isn't gospel, with Apple secretly retooling its professional Mac line around an all-nVIDIA motherboard chip set?

You're going to love the direction that an Apple-nVIDIA partnership will take the highest end Mac hardware in the not too distant future

Whether it is the much anticipated but well concealed upcoming Power Mac update, or a near-term future update, hints have been made toward what nobody else in the Mac press has thus far promoted: a professional Mac machine built around not an Intel, AMD, Motorola, or IBM traditional chip architecture, but around an all new motherboard arrangement designed around a set of special purpose nVIDIA "sub-processors."

If you think the Altivec concept was enticing, with on-chip 128 bit sub-processing, you're going to love the direction that an Apple-nVIDIA partnership will take the highest end Mac hardware in the not too distant future. The idea is powerfully alluring to anyone covetous of that brief moment in times past when the Mac was toasting bunnies and smoking Intel boxes.

Very interesting : <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" />

you're going to love the direction that an Apple-nVIDIA partnership will take the highest end Mac hardware in the not too distant future



  • Reply 1 of 2
    faeylynfaeylyn Posts: 79member
    This is just a rewriting of various rumors about Apple using the nVidia nforce2 chipset and posted as a news item.

    It seems pretty darn clear now that Apple will soon be using a PowerPC based on the Power4 architecture. It's also possible (IMHO likely) that this will also include the nforce2 chipset.

    The bad news (for me? for Apple?) is that I might just put off purchasing a new Mac if the next one doesn't include the above features.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    Being discussed in other threads. Please see:

    <a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=002247"; target="_blank">nVIDIA helped apple build new PowerMac</a>

    This one's packing a suitcase for a trip to Locksville.

    J :cool:
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