Landmark Theaters to Use WM9 for Movie Playback

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Landmark Theaters to use WM9 for movie playback. Ouch!!!!

This sucks for Apple trying to push the MPEG4 standard.

But my question is...why? Why would any sane company put their whole business' future in the hands of another company.

I mean, this is a movie theater company. They show movies. It's their business. It's a giant leap of faith to put your whole business into the hands of a company that controls the movie playback format.

Not only that...but this announcement before NAB's MPEG4 presentation and Apple's QuickTime presentation is a bit funny. Will Landmark Theaters regret their choice? We'll find out soon!


  • Reply 1 of 5
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    Apple drops the ball again. Oh well.

    I'll have to get more of an understanding of this...but still.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    MPEG4 is dead...or will be soon unless they get off their rears and start doing something with it.

    My goodness it's as if they worried more about the licensing fees before getting the standard entrenched.

    I think this may go down as a Folly of epic proportions. It's sad. We'll see what happens ...but it's an uphill climb to say the least.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Yeah no crap if MPEG4 is so freakin' awesome then why can't I do anything with it? I watched Steve Jobs go on and on about how wonderful it was at MWNY 2002 but where's the freaking iTunes/iPod support? Not much use if I can't do anything with it!
  • Reply 4 of 5

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    I mean, this is a movie theater company. They show movies. It's their business. It's a giant leap of faith to put your whole business into the hands of a company that controls the movie playback format.

    Not only that...but this announcement before NAB's MPEG4 presentation and Apple's QuickTime presentation is a bit funny. Will Landmark Theaters regret their choice? We'll find out soon!

    Well, currently, we're using Film, so how is that really different? You also have to buy your reels to screen from pretty much one source. Just because it is from Microsoft doesn't make it bad. In fact, it sounds as if this will work out well for the theatre. It is supposedly a lot cheaper for them. Furthermore, have you ever gone to see a movie that has been screened on the same reel dozens of times? It looks awful, comparitively speaking. Digital solves this.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Well I suppose that if Apple fails to push MPEG4 at next week's NAB, it's over for MPEG4 adoption. And the Mac will be left with absolutely nothing. We're never going to see WM9 on Mac. The QuickTime content on the internet is already scarce.
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