Apple DVD player region code question
I have a 1ghz powerbook with superdrive and I was wondering if there is any way to make the dvd player region free. I have a lot of Japanese and American dvds that I would like to watch while on the road, but the 5 time change limit pretty much makes this impossible. Any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
I have a 1ghz powerbook with superdrive and I was wondering if there is any way to make the dvd player region free. I have a lot of Japanese and American dvds that I would like to watch while on the road, but the 5 time change limit pretty much makes this impossible. Any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
You should look for software to reset the drive's counter, it exists.
you have to have classic on the machine to run the hack, and you void your warrenty doing so. also, they are very specific to the exact DVD player you have, so make sure you're downloading the firmware for the right model.
it's pretty painless, and worked fine for me.
On the side note, all these greedy morons did is forced me to buy pirate DVDs. They are dirt cheap and don't make me risk my hardware. On the contrary, while musical CDs are buyer-friendly, I haven't bought a pirated CD for ages (I have a 200+ CDs collection). Do you hear me, you, greedy morons of show business?! I am not going to buy a single legal DVD until you stop freaking with region codes! If you treat the people who pay you like thieves, you will be the first they will rob!
Sorry for the rant.
13/11/2002 Regarding Apple's SuperDrive updates.
Message from XVI:
Be warned that Apple's latest SuperDrive updates for the Power Mac G4 and the iMac G4 include an anti-downgrade protection. This means, no firmware with same or lower version number can be flashed. This can impede flashing a (soon to be available?) region free firmware of the same version.
Damn, Damn, Damn!
Here's a page with a full list of firmware upgrades for pretty much any DVD player out there (though the firmware can only be upgraded with a PC, as I've mentioned). Just scroll down toward the bottom and you'll find the listing for the Pioneer DVR-A04/104 and DVR-A05/105
Maybe this'll help at least some of you...