TiBook 667 problem - HD?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
So last night I've got my tower and laptop next to each other. I'm doing some stuff on the tower, and have iChat and Mail open on the laptop.

All of a sudden, there's this icky clicking noise coming from the laptop, and I get the rainbow wait curser, and it doesn't stop. So I hold the power button in til it shuts off.

Then I restart, and the clicking is back.

Is my hard drive toast?



  • Reply 1 of 3
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    Perhaps. Boot from the hardware test CD. If you don't have one, boot from the OSX cd and try fixing your harddisk.

    But it sounds like your HD is fuxXored.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    enderender Posts: 353member
    Assuming the HD is a goner, what are some good 5400 RPM laptop drives? Any suggestions, or brands to avoid?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Here is a good thread discussing various laptop hard drives. I think the most popular vote was the IBM Travelstar 40GNX - fast, quiet, high capacity.
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