10.2.5 gobbling RAM usage

in macOS edited January 2014
I've slowly been noticing that after about 3 hours of not doing a whole lot at all my RAM starts dwindling to more than it should be. I have 512 RAM, 700MHz G4, and Window Manager is using a lot of RAM, about 5% right now. Finder and coreservicesd are also using a lot. I'm not doing anything spectacular, but Window Manager is using almost 15% of my CPU too. A friend of mine is having the same problems on a dual 533. Any ideas of whether or not this is related to 10.2.5? Because I never noticed this much usage before.


  • Reply 1 of 17
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    PhysMem: 65.5M wired, 283M active, 283M inactive, 632M used, 8.11M free

    VM: 2.59G + 66.2M 42233(0) pageins, 143958(0) pageouts

    When I resize the Terminal window more stuff keeps showing up in top, here's an example:

    2 9, 0.93 43.1 31.7 25.2

    Welcome to Darwin! 5 4 3

    [Kevin-MacL5.7s-Computer:~8 kevinmacleo79 top 5

    8.9 64

    25.2 1.17 10.2M+ 15.4M+

    4 97

    3.2 20


    2.4 80

    0.8 6

    Processes: 49 total, 2 running, 47 sleeping... 160 threads 23:42:11

    Load Avg: 1.03, 0.95, 0.90 CPU usage: 23.3% user, 28.3% sys, 48.3% idl

    SharedLibs: num = 110, resident = 26.8M code, 2.27M data, 8.36M LinkEdit

    MemRegions: num = 4942, resident = 90.5M + 8.59M private, 112M shared

    PhysMem: 63.1M wired, 289M active, 280M inactive, 632M used, 7.78M free

    VM: 2.59G + 66.2M 42246(0) pageins, 143961(0) pageouts


    2889 top 10.7% 0:00.53 1 14 17 208K 312K 504K 13.6M

    2888 tcsh 0.0% 0:00.02 1 10 16 348K 576K 788K 5.73M

    2887 login 0.0% 0:00.44 1 12 33 248K 364K 576K 13.7M

    2886 Terminal 1.6% 0:00.86 4 66 128 1.38M 9.36M 14.7M 74.7M

    2873 iTunes 11.6% 0:48.79 9 152 268 9.58M 16.1M 26.8M 97.0M

    2860 Safari 0.0% 2:34.58 5 153 472 29.1M 42.4M 39.3M 162M

    2768 AOL Instan 2.4% 5:06.16 7 90 224 7.56M- 34.4M 19.1M 165M

    2574 lookupd 0.0% 0:02.45 2 33 46 436K 476K 928K 14.9M

    2068 Carracho 1 0.8% 6:30.77 7 134 217 4.68M 41.1M 17.2M 163M

    2065 Carracho S 5.8% 43:32.77 21 129 192 7.22M 8.21M 13.6M 87.8M

    1987 SpeechServ 0.0% 0:01.19 5 115 122 2.66M 3.91M 4.28M 66.8M

    1680 AppleSpell 0.0% 0:00.09 1 16 22 456K 844K 1.08M 15.0M

    542 System Eve 0.0% 0:01.66 2 58 93 888K 5.41M 2.16M 66.7M

    412 UniversalA 2.4% 3:49.15 2 58 92 492K 6.33M 880K 69.6M

    408 SpeechSynt 0.0% 0:01.35 2 63 83 344K 4.95M 644K 64.7M

    Processes: 49 total, 2 running, 47 sleeping... 160 threads 23:42:28

    Load Avg: 1.25, 1.06, 1.00 CPU usage: 47.0% user, 26.1% sys, 26.9% idle

    SharedLibs: num = 110, resident = 26.8M code, 2.25M data, 8.36M LinkEdit

    MemRegions: num = 4997, resident = 92.3M + 8.59M private, 113M shared

    PhysMem: 63.4M wired, 290M active, 278M inactive, 632M used, 7.73M free

    VM: 2.59G + 66.2M 42246(0) pageins, 143961(0) pageouts


    2889 top 10.4% 0:02.35 1 14 17 268K 312K 564K 13.6M

    2888 tcsh 0.0% 0:00.02 1 10 16 348K 576K 788K 5.73M

    2887 login 0.0% 0:00.44 1 12 33 248K 364K 576K 13.7M

    2886 Terminal 35.1% 0:06.09 4 66 142 1.81M+ 10.2M 15.9M+ 75.2M+

    2873 iTunes 8.9% 0:50.60 9 152 268 9.58M 16.1M 26.8M 97.0M

    2860 Safari 0.0% 2:34.58 5 153 472 29.1M 42.4M 39.3M 162M

    2768 AOL Instan 2.9% 5:06.63 7 90 224 7.56M 34.4M 18.9M 165M

    2574 lookupd 0.0% 0:02.45 2 33 46 436K 476K 928K 14.9M

    2068 Carracho 1 0.7% 6:30.85 7 134 217 4.68M 41.1M 17.2M 163M

    2065 Carracho S 5.2% 43:33.41 21 129 192 7.22M 8.21M 13.6M 87.8M

    1987 SpeechServ 0.0% 0:01.19 5 115 122 2.66M 3.91M 4.28M 66.8M

    1680 AppleSpell 0.0% 0:00.09 1 16 22 456K 844K 1.08M 15.0M

    542 System Eve 0.0% 0:01.66 2 58 93 888K 5.41M 2.16M 66.7M

    412 UniversalA 0.7% 3:49.30 2 58 92 492K 6.33M 880K 69.6M

    408 SpeechSynt 0.0% 0:01.35 2 63 83 344K 4.95M 644K 64.7M

    406 Finder 0.0% 4:27.61 5 118 301 11.1M 43.2M 16.8M 181M

    405 SystemUISe 0.0% 0:52.93 3 180 256 3.03M 8.29M 5.66M 76.4M

    404 aped 0.0% 0:01.19 1 29 23 100K 652K 232K 14.0M

    403 Dock 0.0% 5:04.76 3 138 231 2.50M 18.5M 5.88M 125M

    397 pbs 0.0% 0:02.76 2 27 29 496K 784K 484K 14.6M

    390 DirectoryS 0.0% 0:17.95 3 114 145 656K 1.89M 1.43M 21.4M

    382 svc8021x 0.0% 0:29.14 1 8 29 20K 764K 56K 15.1M

    354 cron 0.0% 0:00.63 1 8 16 44K 304K 96K 13.5M

    349 inetd 0.0% 0:00.00 1 8 14 0K 268K 0K 1.28M

    346 cupsd 0.0% 0:15.53 1 8 20 132K 396K 288K 15.0M

    338 ntpd 0.0% 0:19.01 1 8 16 76K 408K 188K 1.52M

    335 automount 0.0% 0:00.06 2 22 22 76K 372K 200K 14.7M

    334 loginwindo 0.0% 0:31.15 5 167 188 3.66M 8.33M 4.95M 69.3M

    321 nfsiod 0.0% 0:00.00 1 8 13 0K 268K 0K 1.27M

    320 nfsiod 0.0% 0:00.00 1 8 13 0K 268K 0K 1.27M

    319 nfsiod 0.0% 0:00.00 1 8 13 0K 268K 0K 1.27M

    318 nfsiod 0.0% 0:00.00 1 8 13 0K 268K 0K 1.27M

    312 coreservic 0.0% 0:08.33 3 103 155 2.73M 29.2M 25.9M 60.3M

    285 netinfod 0.0% 0:04.87 1 7 29 96K 360K 216K 1.66M

    282 crashrepor 0.0% 0:00.01 1 18 15 52K 284K 124K 13.3M

    260 syslogd 0.0% 0:01.50 1 7 14 60K 280K 88K 1.28M

    246 mDNSRespon 0.0% 0:01.04 2 29 24 336K 320K 184K 14.2M

    186 autodiskmo 0.0% 0:10.34 1 52 21 184K 688K 352K 14.6M

    177 Window Man 3.7% 61:00.42 3 221 759 5.08M 29.3M 24.9M 123M

    173 ATSServer 0.0% 3:11.61 2 42 294 3.02M 24.2M 2.06M 226M

    137 SecuritySe 0.0% 0:01.96 1 38 23 216K 816K 560K 14.9M

    115 blued 0.0% 0:00.54 1 47 29 236K 824K 348K 14.2M

    Looks pretty buggy, there must be something wrong with Terminal and/or 10.2.5. Never happened before.

    Also when I hit any key a few times top's CPU usage jumps threw the roof and hits 70% and numbers start refreshing every second!

    I have 640 RAM, I just don't see why I have only 7.8 megs of RAM left. There must be something shady with 10.2.5.
  • Reply 2 of 17
    Yeah I have a GB of RAM and 10.2.5 seems to not release the RAM very well.. I`ll play around in safari and adium and itunes for like a half hour - straight from a login.. I`ll look up an notice I have 12MB of RAM left.. You know how hard it is to work in photoshop and make a webpage with 12MB of RAM!??! GOD DAMN YOU APPLE!
  • Reply 3 of 17
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    Call me dumb, but how do you monitor how much Ram your computer has left?
  • Reply 4 of 17
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I had a bunch of apps open today with like 60MB of RAM left. While I went to dinner, I quit Safari and ran Cocktail. Come back 30 minutes later. Several apps still open, but now 300MB of RAM free. Weird.
  • Reply 5 of 17
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    I have a small app called MenuMeter that sits up next to your clock, that's an easy way.
  • Reply 6 of 17
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    There are several which work with Konfabulator.
  • Reply 7 of 17
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    You can also use top and vm_stat to get mem usage figures.

  • Reply 8 of 17
    Well the new safari beta does use up more RAM but only when you have a bunch of tabs open, other than that it doesnt use to much more than the last. I stopped using safari for a while to see if that would make a difference and It did, quite a bit so. I now have 150 of my 1GB of RAM free as apposed to my 12MB free... This is still a LOT less that normal for the tasks I`m doing right now.

    Usually during my day to day web page construction I have about 300MB of RAM free to 500MB free.. The WM (window manager) and finder are still chewing through my RAM and I havent touched finder in about an hour now.. Rawr.. Rawr I say.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 10 of 17
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I'm ok with especially since I'm on a laptop, and that will reduce loadtimes. HOWEVER, I'm ok with this as long as it doesn't steal RAM from hungry apps I run a lot like VPC which I gave 384 RAM to, or Photoshop 7. It's just weird, and so is that Terminal bug.
  • Reply 11 of 17
    jpp1cdjpp1cd Posts: 135member
    I don't know but I can't seem to open programs anymore. Camino won't open and hangs on the load. Safari takes 5 minutes to load. I don't understand what's going on since I'm usually just coming out of sleep.
  • Reply 12 of 17
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by jpp1cd

    I don't know but I can't seem to open programs anymore. Camino won't open and hangs on the load. Safari takes 5 minutes to load. I don't understand what's going on since I'm usually just coming out of sleep.

    That's exactly what happened to my PowerBook. It was very sporadic, though. I repaired permissions and that seemed to help out some, but ultimately it took a full shut-down and restart.

    This is not so good for Apple -- they've released two flakey updates now. I'm used to hearing Windows people complain about update/patch problems.

  • Reply 13 of 17
    donnydonny Posts: 231member
    It works fine for me. Everything seems to be smooth now, and I have had no problems.

    I feel for all you guys who are having them though...
  • Reply 14 of 17
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    With you there: every update I've applied, I've heard all sorts of "this doesn't work, this update is a POS" when I've had nothing but steady smooth improvement of the OS.

    Obviously mileage varies quite a lot...
  • Reply 15 of 17
    frykefryke Posts: 217member
    ... which doesn't make things that much better, does it. I haven't had any problems with 10.2.4 and 10.2.5 either, but as long as _terrible_ things happen after dot-dot updates (battery killer feature and the likes), people won't exactly trust in Apple _more_.
  • Reply 16 of 17
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    in menu meter, with a page of Flash in safari, the Processor goes to almost 100%. close the page, wham, down to 30.

    This is with a 733G4 and 1.25GB of ram

    damn Flash...
  • Reply 17 of 17
    Wow, I don`t think my CPU usuage goes that high using flash.. I got a dual 533...
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