Pull- tab adhesive inside macbook pro
Does anyone know what the pull-tab adhesives are inside macbook pros?
Long story short, my only option was to open and check the battery of my 5 month old mbp that stopped turning on. During this process, the adhesiveness of the black tab over the battery got weaker and so no longer sticks. I know this is against the rules of warranty, but I now can get my mac back to my home country to avail of the warranty, the only problem is I'm worried about that little black tab and how it is no longer sticking.
Does anyone know if this is a major cause for concern re warranty and if so, how can I fix it:(
Big regrets now obviously for opening it at all but it felt like no other option at the time. Hindsight..
Long story short, my only option was to open and check the battery of my 5 month old mbp that stopped turning on. During this process, the adhesiveness of the black tab over the battery got weaker and so no longer sticks. I know this is against the rules of warranty, but I now can get my mac back to my home country to avail of the warranty, the only problem is I'm worried about that little black tab and how it is no longer sticking.
Does anyone know if this is a major cause for concern re warranty and if so, how can I fix it:(
Big regrets now obviously for opening it at all but it felt like no other option at the time. Hindsight..