Your Favorite Font
I change my favorite font every now and then but i think my newest favorite font is Ghill Sans (i think it may have come with gameranger, maybe not but it uses it by default). As long as you keep it a small size it is a very nice smooth (antialias' well) and rounder types of letters
so this will probably only apply to the REAL hardcore geeks on this board who care about things like this, but what is YOUR favorite font?
so this will probably only apply to the REAL hardcore geeks on this board who care about things like this, but what is YOUR favorite font?
Originally posted by stupider...likeafox
Is Ghill Sans a typo for Gill Sans ( the font designed by, and named after, the artist--and incestous peadophile--Eric Gill) or is it a real font?
Is "peadophile" a typo for pedophile?
Originally posted by BuonRotto
Is "peadophile" a typo for pedophile?
Actually it's a typo for paedophile, the British spelling of pedophile (which my alleged UK English spellchecker doesn't have for some reason).
Originally posted by stupider...likeafox
Is Ghill Sans a typo for Gill Sans ( the font designed by, and named after, the artist--and incestous peadophile--Eric Gill) or is it a real font?
heh, its probably Gill, but i was lookin at Phish - Story Of the Ghost at the time, so that may have made me error i'm on my PC now so i'll check later 2night and correct as needed
For the operating system, Geneva 10.
bitmap fonts and screen fonts don't really float my boat. Yeah, some are very well-designed, but they're not that expressive, just getting the job done. They can be nice in my book, not great.
I always gravitate to sans serif fonts, but I love Garamond of course. I like fonts like gill sans or better yet, futura. Actually, marker felt is a recent fun fav of mine, though the "fun" fonts are more of the flavor-of-the-week variety.
So long as no one says Comic Sans MS, it's all good.
Besides it, Goudy Old Style has always been a great choice for concert programs I've done (in high school) -- I love its italic appearance.
And about ITC Officina -- yes; I loved that font! I don't have it on this powerbook, though.