Update to Apple Podcasts App?

in Mac Software
I used to use a waterproofed iPod Shuffle that was offered by various companies for swimming laps but they are becoming scarce and apple does not have a waterproof product that will work for swimming.  The Apple Watch can play to headphone by bluetooth but that does not work in water. Thus I have to use a 3rd pay MP3 player and manually drag and drop the files to the player. If you download podcasts using the Apple Podcast app, it is no longer easy to locate where they are stored and if you find them, and thus are able to load them on a MP3 player, they don't show the podcast name.  

Does anybody know if there are updates in Sonoma that will once again make it easy to locate podcasts that are downloaded from the Apple Podcasts app?

[email protected]


  • Reply 1 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,368moderator
    The podcasts are stored in the home folder in /Users/name/Library/Group Containers/243LU875E5.groups.com.apple.podcasts/Library/Cache.

    The Library folder can be made visible ( https://osxdaily.com/2020/04/23/always-show-user-library-folder-macos-catalina/ ) or use Finder > Go menu > Go to Folder.

    The SQLite database in /Users/name/Library/Group Containers/243LU875E5.groups.com.apple.podcasts/Documents/MTLibrary.sqlite has the info for a given file id but the mp3 file has the info in its metadata.

    The mp3 file can be opened in something like Quicktime, get info and the title is there. The filename can then be changed to the title before loading onto the MP3 player.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Thanks Marvin,

    Is there a logical/necessary reason why the files are stored in the Library rather than such as Music under Applications or the same with Photos which you can then easily drag and drop with the name?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,368moderator
    vaillaw said:
    Is there a logical/necessary reason why the files are stored in the Library rather than such as Music under Applications or the same with Photos which you can then easily drag and drop with the name?
    I would guess it's because podcasts are more temporary items than music and would get removed after they've been listened to. News apps tend to use the Library container folders to store data too. Music and Photos will rarely get deleted.
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