Brushed Metal CD Cases
Does anyone know where I can get brushed metal CD cases (like jewel cases only brushed metal)?
They had these in the movie 'Anti-Trust' and were simply the coolest thing EVER. I want to get them but havn't found any companies that carry them...well one had a description of them but was out of business and i didn't see a picture.
They had these in the movie 'Anti-Trust' and were simply the coolest thing EVER. I want to get them but havn't found any companies that carry them...well one had a description of them but was out of business and i didn't see a picture.
Originally posted by gordy
Those look like the new AOL tins. I've never seen Antitrust, but, surely you're thiniking of something else. Right?
yes i am...i'll take a screen shot if i can (on a PC)
its not the clearest but i tried to get some of the best shots i could...if u could see this in actions you'd be impressed
Good luck. Post back if you find any.
haha i will keep looking i havn't been able to find ANy and i've searched ther any way to get a hold of the people that made the movie do you think?
You could attempt to look up the propmaster and write to find out where they had it done but don't hold your breath for a response. More than likely the propmaster won't remember who did it for them, there are so many vendors you use from project-to-project.
Looks neat though!
Originally posted by ast3r3x
here u go...
Oh they are totally neat looking. Would be nice to present like a portfolio or CV in one of those. (With like you name etched into it!)
...*sigh* will i never find these?
Originally posted by jdbon2
I've looked for these too. I don't think they exist.
yeah that is what i thoght too\
i guess i go to my shop teacher and see if i can make it