With ClearDock you have to have Application Enhancer from Unsanity installed, and you set the Dock's colors etc. from the APE preference pane in System Preferences.
Yeah, I know about have APE installed. There isn't much to installing TransparentDock is there? I thought you just had to drag it to the desktop or apps folder.
I don't think so, since the Dock doesn't really pay attention to which application is in front. Example, if you click the Finder icon to switch to Finder, it opens a new Finder window regardless if you were already in Finder or another app. It would be cool though. In TinkerTool, you can set the Dock to use faded icons for apps that are hidden, it's not the same, but it could be useful.
Doesn't clicking apply in the Preferences for ClearDock automatcally reset/relaunch the Dock anyway?
I don't think so, since the Dock doesn't really pay attention to which application is in front. Example, if you click the Finder icon to switch to Finder, it opens a new Finder window regardless if you were already in Finder or another app. It would be cool though. In TinkerTool, you can set the Dock to use faded icons for apps that are hidden, it's not the same, but it could be useful.
if they are not in the right place they don't work.
Doesn't clicking apply in the Preferences for ClearDock automatcally reset/relaunch the Dock anyway?
Originally posted by iBrowse
I don't think so, since the Dock doesn't really pay attention to which application is in front. Example, if you click the Finder icon to switch to Finder, it opens a new Finder window regardless if you were already in Finder or another app. It would be cool though. In TinkerTool, you can set the Dock to use faded icons for apps that are hidden, it's not the same, but it could be useful.
yeah i use that tinker too feature as well
oh well...