
in Mac Software edited January 2014
Any one out there Play Warbirds ?

I'm thinking of downloading WB 111 but B4 I do I was wondering if people thought it stacked up in comparison to Microproses... " European Air War " which for reasons of their own, won't release to Mac. ( I've played it on Pc's & it Rocks )


  • Reply 1 of 5
    I played Warbirds 3 for about a year up until December 2000. It was great, especially the online combat. Their off-line games are okay, though somewhat rudimentary (the ones in their new tank specific game are better it's called Armored Assault and is available for download at the totalsims site.).

    I stopped playing for two reasons:


    System Requirements

    Unless you pay the $25 a month for the unlimited flying time, you're gonna get stuck with high bills. I found that quite a bit of Warbirds 3 was flying to the battles from open airfields, especially when there are lots and lots of people on which eats up precious minutes of combat. I used the $10 plan first and wound up spending $50. I switched to the $15 plan and spent about $40...

    I couldn't afford that much per month, and was getting ready to move, so I cancelled my account. I still occasionally play the offline variant.

    Unless you have a good system with a really good video card, save yourself the download time and wait. I was flying with a B/W G3 400 with a Radion 7000 32 Meg PCI and they game was great provided not even one plane was on the screen with me.

    As soon as I encountered another plane, the frame rate dropped to virtually unplayable levels, I mean like 3FPS. This seems worse now than it did before December (I just updated the files with their newest version and run it in OSX).

    I am currently saving for a new Dual G4 or 970 Power Tower with a Radeon 9700 Pro just so I can get back to flying with a squad in the WB3 arena.

    The frame rates are horrible right out of the box for Armored Assault, though, I am using the same G3 system mentioned above so I shouldn't be surprised.

    The flight mechanics of WB3 are excellent, and according to the folks in my old squad, much more realistic than either WW2 Online or MSCAS, but I haven't played either so I don't know. I do know that I crashed often, and was show down even more often than I crashed. WB3 has a STEEP learning curve, so unless you are a sim-jockey, expect to see a lot of silk time.

    Hope this answers some of your questions.


    Originally posted by aquafire

    Any one out there Play Warbirds ?

    I'm thinking of downloading WB 111 but B4 I do I was wondering if people thought it stacked up in comparison to Microproses... " European Air War " which for reasons of their own, won't release to Mac. ( I've played it on Pc's & it Rocks )

  • Reply 2 of 5
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Thanks for your reply.

    Didn't know about the huge FPS drop\

    Looks like its going to be a long time before anyone gets to nail the Red Baron.

    Happy hunting!

  • Reply 3 of 5
    ever try Fighter Ace? they never ported it for the mac, but i used to be an addict before i switched to my imac. that game kicked ass. the only thing microsoft has done right...
  • Reply 4 of 5
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    believe me when I say I am all ears !

    I have never heard of it.

    is it still available ?

    Do you have a link/ thread to it /

    tell me more if you don't mind.

  • Reply 5 of 5
    _ alliance __ alliance _ Posts: 2,070member
    i haven't played in a few years and i believe that microsoft dropped support. however, a korean group took it over and i think it is now called air attack. my dad still plays it (he's obsessed). try looking at this site and see if it has anything usefull.


    hope that helps...
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