Running Monterey 12.7.1 on a MacBook Pro Retina 2015.
Spotify is launching itself on startup. It is NOT set as a login item in system preferences. Wow. Has anyone heard of this before? What to do (apart from uninstall Spotify)...?
Running Monterey 12.7.1 on a MacBook Pro Retina 2015.
Spotify is launching itself on startup. It is NOT set as a login item in system preferences. Wow. Has anyone heard of this before? What to do (apart from uninstall Spotify)...?
Thanks All,
There's a setting in Spotify preferences to turn off opening at startup but it's annoying they default to opening it. It's probably to boost their monthly active user counts to their shareholders. I think there's a launch agent or daemon file somewhere that makes it startup on login. It would be nice if Apple locked down the ability for apps to run persistently, at least have a system preference that lists all apps/agents/daemons that are forcibly relaunching so they can be removed from a consistent place. Launch agents and daemons are one of the most abused parts of the OS, especially for malware.