OSX newbie questions

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in macOS edited January 2014
well I finally got a PB and now I have to learn all over again..its fun but can be frustrating at first..2 question

I have 2 folders that can't be deleted because they are owned by the root..so how do I make them owned be me again

also my keyboard seems to having an off day as well..or maybe its me..certain keys aren't showing what they should..i.e.

my ?/ '{}\\|..they all show é and other funky stuff with curly cues..its as if key caps is on all the time..which it isn't

any insight?..I am typing on my PM



  • Reply 1 of 9
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    go to disk utility and repair disk permissions. The keyboard I'm not sure about...? anyone care to help?
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  • Reply 2 of 9
    climberclimber Posts: 130member

    Originally posted by Algol

    go to disk utility and repair disk permissions. The keyboard I'm not sure about...? anyone care to help?

    I repaired everything..but it still says that they are owned by root

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  • Reply 3 of 9
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    Right click on the folder, get info, under ownership & permissions set yourself as the owner and you can delete it.
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  • Reply 4 of 9
    climberclimber Posts: 130member

    Originally posted by chych

    Right click on the folder, get info, under ownership & permissions set yourself as the owner and you can delete it.

    yeh ha..excellent chych..thank you..I am working on my 5th hour on OSX..I have so much to learn
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    daverdaver Posts: 496member

    Originally posted by climber

    also my keyboard seems to having an off day as well..or maybe its me..certain keys aren't showing what they should..i.e.

    my ?/ '{}\\|..they all show é and other funky stuff with curly cues..its as if key caps is on all the time..which it isn't

    Check to see that Sticky Keys isn't turned on. It's not always obvious if you switch it on with a keystroke, but it gets annoying very fast.

    Check out the Keyboard tab of Universal Access in the Control Panel.
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  • Reply 6 of 9
    climberclimber Posts: 130member

    Originally posted by Daver

    Check to see that Sticky Keys isn't turned on. It's not always obvious if you switch it on with a keystroke, but it gets annoying very fast.

    Check out the Keyboard tab of Universal Access in the Control Panel.

    Nope..thanks for offering though
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  • Reply 7 of 9
    climberclimber Posts: 130member

    Originally posted by climber

    Nope..thanks for offering though

    figured it out

    under international

    Input menus..both CAN and USA were checked..obviously it doesn't like that..it still is screwed if just CAN is though..OH well I guess I am an American for now on
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    I think the reason you got the accented characters with one stroke is because people in Quebec speak French, a language that makes use of them (with normal english you only use them with words we've stolen from other languages such as résumé.)

    I guess the official Canadian keyboard layout probably just assumes everyone is bilingual?

    In any event, your PC probably wasn't thoughtful enough to use a layout specific to your region.

    Oh, and BTW, I hope you aren't deleting some crucial folders. If a folder is owned by root, it's probably that way for a reason.
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  • Reply 9 of 9
    climberclimber Posts: 130member

    Originally posted by Spart

    I think the reason you got the accented characters with one stroke is because people in Quebec speak French, a language that makes use of them (with normal english you only use them with words we've stolen from other languages such as résumé.)

    I guess the official Canadian keyboard layout probably just assumes everyone is bilingual?

    In any event, your PC probably wasn't thoughtful enough to use a layout specific to your region.

    Oh, and BTW, I hope you aren't deleting some crucial folders. If a folder is owned by root, it's probably that way for a reason.

    I think you are correct

    as for the folder in root they were Imovie..not sure why and MS office..again not sure why....but everything is back to normal..at least for this part..

    I thought I new a lot about MAc until OSX came alongand now I am just another newbie

    I do have another ?? over in the genius bar about networking..do you need a crossover cable when you are trying to make a PB 12" 867 OSX.2.4 talk to a PM 500 OX 9.1..I keep getting errors..

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