1)Forwarding Texts 2)Mail Usage

in Genius Bar
Hi folks! I have 2 issues I need your expertise with:

1) 2017 MacBook Pro 13 inch, macOS 13.6.9: The Help for Messages says to Control-Click on message to forward and choose 'Forward' but 'Forward' is not on list shown. ???? :#

2) iPhone 12 mini, iOS 17.6.1: Under iPhone Storage, it says Mail is using 7.6 GB of documents and data. WTH? Has it been storing all my emails since day 1? The app shows only 60-70 emails, none of which have large attachments. The phone has 24 gigs of free storage so that is not an issue ATM but 7.6 gigs? Where is it and can I do anything to delete it? The app itself is a seperate 5 MB.  

Thank you!
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