iDVD 3 thinks 14 minute movie is more than 90

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
iDVD 3 will not allow me to burn my project, insisting that the movie is too long. It is only 14 minutes. When production stills, outtakes, and moving menus are added to the equation, the total time is still just 25 minutes. I have re-installed iDVD, deleted the preferences file, and re-done the project from scratch to no avail. What can I do??


  • Reply 1 of 2
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Here's an update. I've now re-done the project from scratch 3 times. This time I finally it worked out the way I would like it to be for the final burn. Unfortunately it still insists that the movie is more than 90 minutes long. It comes to this conclusion when I re-arrange the chapter menus. For reasons of title length and thumbnail size, I want 4 per page instead of 6. Even now with 2 versions of the movie at 14 minutes apiece, outtakes at 5 minutes total, production stills totalling 2:18, and animated menus at 30 seconds apiece totalling 3:10 the total for video is less than 40 minutes, yet iDVD is still hung up on its belief that I have more than 90. This problem is consistent and happens every time I get to the chapter menu set-up stage. Does anyone have even the slightest idea what the deal is here?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Here's the latest in my saga. By using the status pane, I have ascertained that iDVD thinks my project has a total of 207 minutes and 40 seconds. When I delete the chapter selection menus from either of my movie versions it drops to 121 minutes 17 seconds. The chapter menus for each movie version take up 86 minutes and 33 seconds according to iDVD 3.0

    Does anyone have any inkling of why 1 and 1/2 minutes of menus transform themselves to take up 86 minutes?
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