Powerbook w/ 9000 on Radeon site

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
This is just for the speculation hounds out there. A guy on the Apple boards found this pic in the materials under the new Radeon 9000 card on ATIs website. I thought it could be some fuel for the PB update fire. Or it could be nothing. Just thought you guys would be interested.



  • Reply 1 of 26
    the link again

    I may have messed up the link above.
  • Reply 2 of 26
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    <a href="http://mirror.ati.com/designpartners/media/mobile/mobradeon9000.html"; target="_blank">Are you trying to do this?</a>

    J :cool:
  • Reply 3 of 26
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Could the cat have slipped out of the bag? A pic of a Ti listed under Radeon 9000 promotional images? If it's more than just a mix up, Steve's gonna be pissed. He'll probably down-grade the GPU to a 4MB S3 virge out of spite.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    Thanks Jamie, I have an appointment with my proctologist to have my head remove next monday.

    As far as the link goes it looks very telling to me, but I am not totally familar with what the current Ti can do so...I just hope I dont get a letter from Apple. At least not until I get out of law school then it is on.
  • Reply 5 of 26
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    Wonder how they get the image to the TV set with no cables attached.

    Surely, this can mean nothing else but vastly improved Airport at some-odd gigabits per second.



    [ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: RazzFazz ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 26
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I love the subtle inclusion of a GameCube. Now that's product placement.
  • Reply 7 of 26
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Umm its possible the Tibook is just used in the shot to make it look good! Its probably nothin
  • Reply 8 of 26
    btoberbtober Posts: 69member
    [quote]Originally posted by trevorM:


    Umm its possible the Tibook is just used in the shot to make it look good! Its probably nothin</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Umm then how would that image have anything at all to do with a Radeon 9000? Some promo image then!
  • Reply 9 of 26
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by btober:


    Umm then how would that image have anything at all to do with a Radeon 9000? Some promo image then!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    promo image means nothing. hell Microsoft ads have had macs in them.

    I've seen PC ads with mac desktops on the PC screen.

    I've seen macs in ads that the softare doesn't even work on the mac.

    Macs look good and fit in to environments and the people who make the ads often use them so they have them at hand
  • Reply 10 of 26
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    Yes, it's true. Marketing companies/departments tend to be more Mac friendly... or just have Macs more available to use as models. This also includes the GUI. I've seen countless adverts using the black Mac pointer for products that are clearly not made for the OS.

    Bloody artists...


    [ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: sCreeD ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 26
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    promo image means nothing. hell Microsoft ads have had macs in them.


    don't talk out of turn. microsoft ads do not unintentionally have macs in them. the only microsoft ads that have macs in them are ads for microsoft products for the mac platform. trust me on this one.

    the image on the website does lead me to believe that it has something to do with the titanium powerbook. unless it was just something their marketing department threw together with stock art. but it would be odd for a tech vendor company to create an image with a product that does not or will not contain their product. usually they keep a pretty good eye on those things. the local newspapers are another story.

    [ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: admactanium ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 26
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:


    don't talk out of turn. microsoft ads do not unintentionally have macs in them. the only microsoft ads that have macs in them are ads for microsoft products for the mac platform. trust me on this one.

    [ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: admactanium ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    uh.. no not really. there was an ad not too long ago with an old beige mac tower in it where there should have been a PC. I think it was for XP or something.
  • Reply 13 of 26
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Yeah, the ad applenut is talking about is actually a Shockwave Flash tour of Windows XP on Microsoft's website. There was a man using Windows XP in his home on a Power Mac 8100 series or something like that...a really old Mac. Whatever agency they used probably intentionally put it there. It lasted a week or two before Microsoft changed the tour/demo.

    EDIT: I knew I had it on my HDD somewhere...

    [ 08-31-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 14 of 26
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Windows XP is going to give me a mac? Where's my credit card? That's the price I've been waiting for.
  • Reply 15 of 26
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    uh.. no not really. there was an ad not too long ago with an old beige mac tower in it where there should have been a PC. I think it was for XP or something.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah. what you're referring to is not an ad done by their ad agency. it's a piece that their promotions department put together. there has never been a windows xp ad with a beige powermac in it. i've seen all of them and practically every microsoft ad in the past two years.

    that's why i wrote this:

    [quote]<strong>the image on the website does lead me to believe that it has something to do with the titanium powerbook. unless it was just something their marketing department threw together with stock art. but it would be odd for a tech vendor company to create an image with a product that does not or will not contain their product. usually they keep a pretty good eye on those things. the local newspapers are another story.


    [ 09-01-2002: Message edited by: admactanium ]</p>
  • Reply 16 of 26
    The apocalypse is upon us. MacRumors has posted a headline siting the rumor and site I posted above. I think this officially makes me a source. If I am a source you should all be very afraid. This even makes me sceptacle about all future rumors, if I can start one any dumbass can. <a href="http://www.macrumors.com"; target="_blank">http://www.macrumors.com</A>;
  • Reply 17 of 26
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    I was about 85% sure that the next PowerBook (Expo Paris) would have a Radeon 9000... then I saw this thread, and now I am even more sure of it. Whoops, Steve isn't going to like this, ATI!
  • Reply 18 of 26
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by bradbower:

    <strong>Whoops, Steve isn't going to like this, ATI!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ahhh what's the worse thing that could happen?
  • Reply 19 of 26
    vikingviking Posts: 127member
    Didn't the last time something like this happened with ATI Steve was so angry he bumped ATI out and put Nvidia in?
  • Reply 20 of 26
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by viking:

    <strong>Didn't the last time something like this happened with ATI Steve was so angry he bumped ATI out and put Nvidia in?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Notice the big-grin usage?
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