Current state of external DVD/CD drives?
I haven't bought an external optical drive in a LONG time. I went to Amazon and it's flooded with what look like clone devices using the same basic hardware with different labels slapped on them. I bought one and it arrived bent so that the door wouldn't open & close - returned. I bought a slot-loading one and it mounts a CD but refuses to copy/rip and eventually the drive disappears & I have to unplug & replug the drive to get it to reload so I can eject the disc (note to avoid software-only eject).
Since Apple doesn't make an optical drive any more, are there any solid reliable brands? Am I missing fundamental, like the Mac mini's USB ports don't provide enough power to run a drive?
While there were once lots of companies that slapped their name on optical drives, the mechanisms were from a limited number of companies. There are only a few players left in the optical drive manufacturing world. I think the big three were LG, Pioneer and Samsung for years and I could have sworn that one of them just announced that they were quitting the optical drive business.
The Mac mini will power a slimline USB drive, the problem is they normally use two ports: one for data plus a second to provide ample power for the optical drive mechanism. You are better off plugging in the drive into a powered USB hub (especially one that includes some charge-only ports).
A couple of years ago I needed to replace a failing Blu-ray slimline drive. So I bought a 5.25" internal Blu-ray drive (LG I think) and shoved it into an appropriate 5.25" enclosure to make it an external device. The larger mechanisms are more sturdy than the slimline drives. Naturally the enclosure has its own AC adapter to provide power. This is a better solution than a flimsy slimline drive in my opinion.