iTunes Music Store...other payment methods?

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Far as I can tell, the "credit card linked to the Apple store" is the only current way to do this. Am I correct?

I thought I read at some site a few weeks ago (probably one of the usual suspect rumor sites) that there would be cards sold, sort of like the phone card thing, where you could buy them in lots of places for certain, set increments and use the service that way.

is this true? Does it exist now and I just skipped over it?

Two things: a) it's smart because a HUGE chunk of the music-buying public consists of kids. Most teens, I would imagine, (and certainly pre-teens) don't have a credit card but love music and, via chores, a parttime job or with birthday or Christmas gift money, would LOVE to take part in all this Apple Music Store stuff WITHOUT bugging their parents for their credit card of whatever.

And b) when this service makes its way to the Windows side by years' end, imagine ALL the people who'd do this if it was made as easy as possible? I mean, it already is pretty damn easy. But there are TONS of people out there who - because of their youth, less than stellar credit/financial situation or out of a personal philosophy/choice - simply do not own or use credit cards (my stepdad keeps one in his wallet ONLY for "ohmigosh" emergencies of the worst variety...he would NEVER use it for shopping or entertainment). I know TONS of people like that.

If this already exists, then just ignore all the above...and mods, feel free to thrown a big ol' lock on it.

Is my idea good, though? Go to Target or Tower Records (remember, in about 6 months' time this service will start to be used by nearly EVERYONE, so saying something like "well, it's a niche thing...Target and Wal-Green's aren't going to bother with it..." isn't really going to hold water too much longer.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Ha! Double-post...I quoted myself!
  • Reply 2 of 8
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    It would be cool if I could go to Safeway/Apple Store and buy a "AppleMusic card" in $10, $20, or $50 dollar ammounts. They alredy sell Borders cards and like 20 others at safeway. I don't think using a major credit card for $0.99 downloads is such a good idea. What if someone stole my laptop?
  • Reply 3 of 8
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I'm not aware of any other methods for payment, but I did notice in the e-mail receipt I got for my purchases earlier this week that they do charge the songs in one "chunk," I guess defined by a 24 hour period. They only sent me the e-mail today and it had all six songs I've bought so far in one itemized charge. Anway, back to your regular topic...
  • Reply 4 of 8
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, that's what I was thinking, Ebby. Kinda those pre-set denominations, like you see at Target, Tower and Old Navy? Or maybe just a blank card (with a cool Apple logo and music-oriented design on it, of course ) and you can "charge it up" with whatever amount you want.

    With giftcards at the above stores, phone cards all over the place and so on, there HAS to be a way that this can be done. Surely people at Apple are currently at work on this, right? I mean, come on...DEFINITELY a "no brainer", IMO.

    Apple Retail Stores would, of course, carry them. But as it gets bigger (the Windows launch, for example), I could easily see them in Target, Wal-Mart, the major pharmacy chains, office supply superstores (hell, they sell everything else there: jellybeans in bulk, coffee, paper clips, file folders, Scotch tape, toner, etc.), record stores, Barnes & Noble, coffee shops, electronics stores (Circuit City, Best Buy, etc.), warehouse stores (Costco, Sam's, etc.) and airport gift shops!
  • Reply 5 of 8
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking, Ebby. Kinda those pre-set denominations, like you see at Target, Tower and Old Navy? Or maybe just a blank card (with a cool Apple logo and music-oriented design on it, of course ) and you can "charge it up" with whatever amount you want.

    Ooo, this triggered something: I smell a contest!

    Post your "What If Apple Had a Music Store Gift Card?" entry right here!

    Build it in your software of choice, using standard credit/gift card dimensions and conventions: 3.375"W x 2.125"H and rounded corners.

    Actual size (at 72ppi, RGB and JPEG) should be a small, manageable file, so go to town. Make it however you like (hell, do several: seasonal, holiday themed, genre-oriented, etc.).

    Release the hounds...and the layer masks and Gaussian blurs!

    I love seeing the work of others here.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    How about this:

    The template
  • Reply 7 of 8
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by tonton

    ...Not to mention this would be a great way for overseas users to use the service, should a friend buy them "Apple credits" or an Apple Music Card in the US.

    That is probably the reason why Apple does not accept any payment other than credit cards, which have an address associated with them. Apple's agreements with the record companies obviously require them to sell to US residents only. All this makes me think that I should maintain a US account and credit card, even if I move back to Europe at some point in the future. Using Mailboxes Etc. or a similar service for a physical address and Internet banking should make this possible.

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