Is OS X 10.2.5 upgrade safe?

in macOS edited January 2014
Reading various forums indicated problems with OS X 10.2.5 ugrade! Numerous problems were noted on Apple website Discussions section.

My iMac 17 (my first Mac and I love it) was bought new 2 mths ago and has OS X 10.2.4. So far, I have experienced few problems but I do have USB Hub and have loaded many files and SW and hate to have to recycle bk some upgrade not safe?

Loaded iTunes 4 and latest QuickTime with no problem.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    mac007mac007 Posts: 11member
    Since 10.3 will soon be out you could just wait for it since what you have is working so well. If you do decide to upgrade it's always a good procedure to do the following:

    1.)Run Apple's disk utility first then repair permissions.(you'll have to boot off the install CD to run disk utility for general repairs)

    2.)You should make a backup to an external drive of your currently working primary drive with Carbon Copy Cloner.

    3.)Once that's done disconnect your hub and any other third party hardware.

    4.)Download the standalone installer and use that to upgrade your system.

    5.)Once that's done run repair permissions again and reboot.

    6.)You can then reattach your hub and you should be good to go.

    If there is ever a problem you can boot from the backup and use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy over your working backup.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by Mac007

    Since 10.3 will soon be out you could just wait for it.....

    oh great! YOU know the release date?!

    there are really no fixable problems, nor great enchancements
  • Reply 3 of 3
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    For PB12" it is good. DVDs don't skip anymore and it adds video out options and lots more I'm forgetting. And I've had no problems except that there are still lots of bugs to fix!
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