The best webstore for digital cameras?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm thinking of getting a Canon s400 Digital Camera. Who has the best prices/services? Moreover, has anyone used the s400 here? How is it?



  • Reply 1 of 3
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    If you're willing to wait for a good deal... Check or other bargain hunter websites for Dell's stackable coupon deals.

    Otherwise is pretty good, as well as the standard chains like Ritz/Wolf.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Thanks for the prompt reply. I'll check them out.

  • Reply 3 of 3
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    I usually go to bhphoto. No one I trust has been able to beat their prices. However, if you are more trusting or don't mind graymarket there are much better deals out there.
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