MacWorld Hype.

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I think that many of us are very excited about the upcoming MWSF but we still have to keep everything in perspective. The MWNY 01 keynote was hyped even more than this one and there was very little more than product speed bumps. Apple will probably come through with LCD iMacs this time around and the G5 may still be 3-4 months away, nobody knows. If Apple does indeed amaze us with "the most exciting macworld ever..." and across the line product revisions I would be very pleased.

Keep it together.

We all need to be reminded that Apple is working hard to bring us the most exciting and useful computers on the planet and they cant magically just unveil unfinished products.


I may end up looking back at MW and see it as the most revolutionary day in Apple history, and maybe not. Whatever the case is, I will most definately be watching Steve Jobs talk and rock, right here on my computer.

My predictions.

Apple will do something insanely great at MacWorld.


  • Reply 1 of 20
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    I agree. I'll be happy If we can get at least 1.2 Ghz w/DDR ram, ATA 133 (even though HD technology will limit current speeds), etc and a imac upgrade . After all Apple is in business to make a profit and upgrades of equipment over time is a business reality. Going to the maximum at one step is not a good business decision, even if the G5 is available. Businesss have to do things in a step-wise fashion to make money to invest in new technology.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    I disagree that Apple would delay a G5 if it's available. If it's about money, they could release new G4s at current prices, and price the G5s even higher.

    Technology is a moving target, so there's no reason to hold back, unless the cost is prohibitive.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    I was able to talk to an employee of an Apple store here in Northern CA (there are two stores near the Apple HQ), and he was off duty for the day. He told me some interesting tidbits about the MWSF

    First off, he said he has no guarantees, but he has some pretty good knowlege of Apple.

    Apple has changed the way they do announcments. They found that it was too predictable when they lowered the price of a product before it was updated, so now they have lowered the price of ALL products, and they may rely more hevily on special announcments such as the iPods.

    The iMac probably won't be LCD, but will be flat. Flat panel displays are still a hundred times better than the ones the current iMac has.

    Probably no G5. Probably Ghz computers, but no G5.

    Hopefully soon (probably not MWSF) we'll see muhc faster iBooks, with the high end iBok being a G4.

    Not new monitors, but an addition of a monitor or two: 15inch, 17inch, 19inch, 22inch and 27inch (that's right 27 inch!)

    All LCD.

    From $500 to $4000

    I asked him about any imaging device (such as a camera) and then he changed the subject to the iPod, saying that people think it's more than just a music player - or that it has more capabilities. He said they probably won't increase the HD of it since they're selling VERY, VERY well. Like I think he said either 45,000 or 450,000 units have been sold.

    He said that he personally would like a color display with the visualization (I don't agree -t he screen is far too small).

  • Reply 4 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    amidala, the things you've mentioned sound pretty good. I hope it's true.
  • Reply 5 of 20

    The point of this thread was that you need to ease off the rampant spectulation, not toss in some more crap.

    "Oh, I know this guy who works for Apple and he said this was a secret and he wasn't even really sure about it... BUT..."

    Oh please. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 20
    It's already been "confirmed" that Apple ordered 100,000 15" flat LCDs (not CRTs) from a vendor in Taiwan. I doubt Apple is planning to sell that many LCD peripheral monitors, so I think an LCD iMac is pretty much a shoo-in.

    Glad to hear the iPod is doing so well ... I hope Jobs shares some solid numbers.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by iKnow:

    <strong>I think that many of us are very excited about the upcoming MWSF but we still have to keep everything in perspective. The MWNY 01 keynote was hyped even more than this one and there was very little more than product speed bumps.


    I don't agree with this as stated. The MWNY keynote was not "hyped"--people expected a lot, but they did so of their own volition. Apple made no public statements that I'm aware of telling people to expect a lot for MWNY.

    The case with MWSF is different, for two irrefutable reasons:

    1) Jobs moved his keynote up a day and expanded it by an hour. It is reasonable to conclude he has a lot to show, and it seems likely he wanted to prevent snoops on the show floor from scooping his announcements.

    2) Jobs was just quoted as saying that MWSF will bring an "innovative, revolutionary, and different," not to mention a "powerful,

    user-friendly, and eye-catching," new product. How are we not supposed to have high expectations when the CEO himself is spouting off like that?
  • Reply 8 of 20
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Meaningless, unless you can supply 'conformation', we don't need any more 'confirmed' threads.

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 20's time for apple to live up to the hype....

    I want my PM G5!!!
  • Reply 10 of 20
    If I can recall correctly, MWNY 01 was heavily hyped by Apple in New York. Apple did loads of advertising all over the city and had several huge Apple billboards across the city. The event was a let down because Apple promoted the event so much and nothing revolutionary came out of it (arguably iDVD2) and MWSF is just what MWNY was supposed to be, IN YOUR MINDS.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:

    <strong>If I can recall correctly, MWNY 01 was heavily hyped by Apple in New York. Apple did loads of advertising all over the city and had several huge Apple billboards across the city. The event was a let down because Apple promoted the event so much and nothing revolutionary came out of it (arguably iDVD2) and MWSF is just what MWNY was supposed to be, IN YOUR MINDS.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've been to every MacWorld in NY since they moved it from Boston and I've even been to a few Boston ones. Every single one in NY had those huge billboards.

    I've never seen a MacWorld hyped like this one.

    Off topic but there's huge billboards right now in Times Square for the iPod...and I mean HUGE. Like entire length of a building huge.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    I agree. This is definitely the most hyped MacWorld and there is a lot of excitement that has been built up. Seems like there's just something in the air. The quotes from Jobs and everything, how can we not expect Apple to totally blow us away on January 7th? All I gotta say is that if Apple doesn't make this "the most exciting expo ever" like Jobs quoted, they're gonna be hearing about it.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>I agree. This is definitely the most hyped MacWorld and there is a lot of excitement that has been built up. Seems like there's just something in the air. The quotes from Jobs and everything, how can we not expect Apple to totally blow us away on January 7th? All I gotta say is that if Apple doesn't make this "the most exciting expo ever" like Jobs quoted, they're gonna be hearing about it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I agree. If they screw this one up by offering us 933-1.2GHZ PM's and a flat screen iMac and nothing else I am going to be pissed. That would be fine for a standard keynote but the way this one has been hyped they better blow me away.

    When you charge $3499 for a computer w/o a monitor you better live up to your rep.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    MWSF will be what MWNY was supposed to be in my minds? SO G4 towers up to 1 GHz (or 933 was what I expected) with DDR RAM? Wow, something's wrong if Apple takes an extra 6 months to deliver that.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:

    <strong>If I can recall correctly, MWNY 01 was heavily hyped by Apple in New York. Apple did loads of advertising all over the city and had several huge Apple billboards across the city.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's called advertising. It's what companies do when they want to notify people of their products and services. Hype is when you make cryptic, boasting announcements in order to deliberately inflame people's expectations, as Jobs did for the iPod and as he's doing now for ... whatever it is.
  • Reply 16 of 20
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote]MWSF will be what MWNY was supposed to be in my minds? SO G4 towers up to 1 GHz (or 933 was what I expected) with DDR RAM? Wow, something's wrong if Apple takes an extra 6 months to deliver that. <hr></blockquote>

    I agree. If this and the flat iMac is all they have to offer, what's all the hype about? It would have been exciting at NY, buy we're over it by now. It's six months too late to be calling it revolutionary, etc. There has to be something else, especially when they are hyping it up this early. They only gave everyone a week with the iPod, and look how out of control that speculation was.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    Yes, there musy be something more than a 750 Mhz LCD redesigned imac and bumped Powermacs. This damn thing better be good!
  • Reply 18 of 20
    I think apple's new consumer machine (new imac or w/e) will make Jan 7, 2002 a pivital day in apple's history. To keep up with the times as far as pros go i think apple's looking at these or close to (higher) these speeds for the new powermac:

    PowerMac G4 867mhz

    DDR RAM: 256MB

    HD: 40 gig 7,200rpm ATA 133

    GeForce 2 32MB

    Optical Drive: CD-RW / DVD combo

    USB 2.0

    Firewire 2 (gigawire?)

    10/100/1000 ethernet


    PowerMac G4 933mhz

    DDR RAM: 512MB

    HD: 60 gig 7,200rpm ATA 133

    GeForce 2 Twin View

    Optical Drive: Superdrive

    USB 2.0

    Firewire 2 (gigawire?)

    10/100/1000 ethernet


    PowerMac G4 1+ghz

    DDR RAM: 1024MB

    HD: 80gig 7,200rpm ATA 133

    GeForce 3

    Optical Drive: Superdrive

    USB 2.0

    Firewire 2 (gigawire?)

    10/100/1000 ethernet


    Reasoning for certain things:

    G4 - i dont believe the G5 is ready despite rumors. I think MWSF is only the GHZ roof breaking day.

    Faster bus & DDR ram: Its time. Apple knows.

    Optical drive: im still not certain there will be enough profit margin for apple for the low end machines if they drop in a superdrive. i may be wrong because steve said he wanted a superdrive in the imacs in 2002 (i remember them discussing that over a streaming financial meeting thing webcast)

    Thats just my $0.02
  • Reply 19 of 20
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    [quote]Originally posted by murk:


    I agree. If this and the flat iMac is all they have to offer, what's all the hype about? It would have been exciting at NY, buy we're over it by now. It's six months too late to be calling it revolutionary, etc. There has to be something else, especially when they are hyping it up this early. They only gave everyone a week with the iPod, and look how out of control that speculation was.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I believe there will be something new and different. I almost know so...
  • Reply 20 of 20
    ok, dammit, 2 weeks to go till macworld and i want secret photos NOW....i want specs NOW....why isn't anybody listening?!?!? oh well, maybe enough egg nog will keep me numb enough so the time slips quickly by...g
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