Which AirPort Extreme base station to get...does anyone use the extra antenna?
I will be getting a 12" PB soon and want to use AirPort. Is it worth the extra money to get the base station w/the antenna jack? How is the range/performance of the base station w/o this add-on?
If any of you use the extra antenna, would you please post your opinions of it?
If any of you use the extra antenna, would you please post your opinions of it?
Of course, the layout and construction materials of your home, type of cordless phone you use, etc.; can all affect your individual performance, but that is how it is working for me.
Good luck!
may want to rethink your "savings"
Originally posted by Keda
I will be getting a 12" PB soon and want to use AirPort. Is it worth the extra money to get the base station w/the antenna jack? How is the range/performance of the base station w/o this add-on?
If any of you use the extra antenna, would you please post your opinions of it?
I have a footlong and an AE base. Signal stength is not very good in our typical 2 story tract home. The base is upstairs on the outside wall. Upstairs recpetion is 70% unless you are in the same room with the base (which we never are), then it is higher. Downstairs is worse, usually 50% or less. The cable modem is upstairs so that is why the base is installed there.
I'm not very pleased with this and I wish I had bought the base with the antenna port.
Anybody know how to add an antenna to an AE base?
Originally posted by WelshDog
Anybody know how to add an antenna to an AE base?
Check out www.vonwentzel.net/ABS/ for info on how to attach antennas to any kind of base station. The current AEBS can have an MCX external connector, though I think it's a lot easier to simply open it up and attach a MC-Card connector on the inside. Cheers!
Originally posted by Constantin
Check out www.vonwentzel.net/ABS/ for info on how to attach antennas to any kind of base station.
Constanin: What a great honor to see you here on the AppleInsider boards. Your instructions for replacing the two blown capacitors in the original gray ABS saved me the price of a new ABS. And they revived my soldering skills in the process.
I haven't had a chance to try it out, but I figured that it was a good move since I'll be moving soon and could be stuck w/ no high-speed for a few days.