Cyrillic QWERTZ Keyboard-Layout in OS X

in macOS edited January 2014

Today I installed my fathers new iMac 800. Before that he had an iMac 350 running MacOS 9.2. As a russian teachers he used the Cyrillic Language Kit with the QWERTZ Keyboard-Layout.

Now MacOS X offers the russian Language out-of-the-box. Everything works well (there are even five cyrillic fonts avaible) except the QWERTZ Keyboard-Layout. In the System Preferences you can only choose "Russian" but not like in OS 9 "Russian QWERTZ".

So does someone know how to get the russian QWERTZ Keyboard Layout for Mac OS X? I already searched the knowledge base for Language Kit but those are only for OS 9.

I would be very grateful for your help...

Thanks in advance



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