More Bike Lanes Needed
Hats off to any City that has the wisdom to add more Bike lanes to its CBD's & suburbs....
My city has decided to reduce car lanes, in order to make way for islands of trees as well as extra bike lanes....Brilliant...
Can't understand why more cities aren't more protective and appreciative of their cyclists..after all we make the world cleaner by leaving our cars behind....
So how are your cities doing on this score....?
I would love to pass on your thoughts or ideas to our city council...
My city has decided to reduce car lanes, in order to make way for islands of trees as well as extra bike lanes....Brilliant...
Can't understand why more cities aren't more protective and appreciative of their cyclists..after all we make the world cleaner by leaving our cars behind....
So how are your cities doing on this score....?
I would love to pass on your thoughts or ideas to our city council...
Ithaca has many cyclists.
Its true, cities need to work on being friendlier to bikers, or maybe training drivers how to share the road (ie: you dont have to throw beer cans at us).
Neat what your town is doing, I wish Ithaca would do that. Seems like were just increasing the number of car lanes here.
Not to mention that in Boston, where I live, there are absolutely no bike lanes. Furthermore, there is absolutely no paint to mark the lanes on the roads. Seriously. It's messed up.
I usually do 30 or so mile rides out to Concorde and back, and the five or so miles it is up Mass. Ave to get outside city limits, I pray for my life. The roads are in awful condition and the drivers suck. That's all I have to say...
Oh yea, a biker ran a red light turning left in front of me today.
You don't own the road, and just because you're in command of a multi ton vehicle does not make it any more true. For every stupid thing a cyclist does, there are at least twenty times as many drivers that have done something stupider.
I've come close to being hit on so many occasions that I have lost count.. Drivers have an uncanny way of seeing straight through you as if your invisible...You in the meantime think they have seen you...until they just roar acroos your can be pretty hairy at times..
Most drivers are OK, their brains just don't register..
Mind you I've been threatened with wheel jacks, had bottles chucked, & have actually met drivers who take pleasure in trying to squeeze you into the gutter, just for a laugh
But I usually catch them up at the lights & wave my huge D Lock made of heavy steel..That usally shuts them up....
Sounds like I live in an enlightened city..We even allow cyclists to ride on footpaths if the road traffic is really heavy....Cops turn a blind eye to this somewhat illegal practice, knowing that we cyclists often do it as a method of self preservation.
The way we got our city to put in cycle lanes in, was to hold cycling protests..We organised several thousand cyclists to converge in the centre of the CBD in peak traffic hour and ride really s l o w l y down to city hall...
Man that really made the fur fly..But in the end..we got what we wanted..& that was safety for ourselves & our children.....
Who says that cyclists have to be "nice" all the time.....
Originally posted by M3D Jack
It's the attitude that drivers own the road which makes it so dangerous for the rest of us that are given the legal right to share the road with motorists... there are at least twenty times as many drivers that have done something stupider.
I had a bit of time to calm down now. I posted that 15-30 min after I almost hit a biker. Sorry if it sounded mean.
With the attitude out of the way, I always give the bigger vehicle, truck, or "road tank" the right-of-way. They can do a lot more damage to me than vise-versa. It is also harder to control a bigger vehicle and stop it in an emergency. I am also a biker, well, used to be up to a year ago, and I follow ALL the same laws as drivers do. It's unpredictable behavior leads to most crashes. I have bike lanes all over the place here, so it is a little hard to imagine bikes sharing the road with cars traveling at 45 MPH. I know this is not Costa Rica, but there the bigger car has the right-of-way. In some ways driving is so much simpler there.
I understand Ebby, Most cyclists, are also drivers.. so they understand what is what..
Mice always give way to Elephants..its the way of the jungle.
Speaking of which, we have things called " Road-trains."
You don't see them in town so much, but they frighten the living Jesus out of me when I'm riding country roads. They travel at anywhere between 60 to 80 MPH and take a long long time to pass because they can be up to 100 yards long ......No bullshit !.
On top of that, when they pass you they form a partial vacuum that tends to suck you up towards the wheels....
Very un-nerving if you have never experienced it before...
Originally posted by Luca Rescigno
Sometimes I'll be biking on a bike trail and I see some guy (always in tights, with special shoes and an aerodynamic helmet and stuff, he's REALLY hot shit) biking down the road like he's too good for the trail. Why can't those bikers just stay on the trail? This is a sparse trail without many people on it, so it's not like he'd be in danger of hitting someone.
Yeah, most of them a weenyburgers with shit jobs & more shit for brains...
Don't worry, they're in every country,
I think they breed like Lemmings..its besat to stay out of their way..until they jump off cliffs that iis....ha ha ha. Where is that Funniest Video's series ?
Originally posted by aquafire
Mice always give way to Elephants..its the way of the jungle.
Yeah, but we live in an organized and civil society, not a jungle.
Originally posted by billybobsky
there are gas stations for a reason every few blocks in the burbs. use them. sidewalks already take up too much space, which could be better used for asphalt of the drivin' kind. and fvcking pedestrians always cause trafic when they try to cross the fvcking road. why dont they just hop into their car, and drive to the fvcking convienence store across the street. i know i do. all this bicycle riding and walking is some sort of communist plot and is just simply anti-american. only those liberal crack heads who disagree with the president would be stupid enough to walk the one block to the fvcking pond when there are obviously parking lots surronding it. if you disagree with me you disagree with the president and that means you should leave this wonderful country with its fuel depots and fast moving traffic... pedestrians should be banned. and bicycle riders should be shot on site...
if you would see your feet or other physical extensions without the help of a mirror, qould you walk?
since i was 11, i've been driving the bike among the cars.
Originally posted by bunge
Yeah, but we live in an organized and civil society, not a jungle.
So when was the last time you ( a mouse ) stepped into the path of an oncoming truck ( elephant ) laden with 10 tons of nappy-san & demanded that you had right of way ?
I am sure you have every right to your little spot on the road..just that sometimes..."discretion is the better part of valour" as a mouse I have had to learn to duck & weave....
But I am considering carrying an under-arm rocket launcher...just to press my point home....
Originally posted by Giaguara
if you would see your feet or other physical extensions without the help of a mirror, qould you walk?
(i hope you know i was joking)
and in response to the question: i earned my stomach working hard, eating a healthy three meals a day... walking is for those in third world countries, you know like those rail thin ethiopians. why think of the happiness they would have if they just drove their cars to the local 7-11 and picked up some ben and jerry's... we wouldnt have to hear about 'oh my god we're starving, we cant even walk.' walk, shit, walking is for losers who arent smart or rich enough to drive their suvs the five feet to the local mcdonalds...
Originally posted by billybobsky
(i hope you know i was joking)
and in response to the question: i earned my stomach working hard, eating a healthy three meals a day... walking is for those in third world countries, you know like those rail thin ethiopians. why think of the happiness they would have if they just drove their cars to the local 7-11 and picked up some ben and jerry's... we wouldnt have to hear about 'oh my god we're starving, we cant even walk.' walk, shit, walking is for losers who arent smart or rich enough to drive their suvs the five feet to the local mcdonalds...
Hollywood actors and models must generlly be paid sooo poor. Either they have to WALK to macdonalds or they don't have enough money to go to macdonalds. Look at them. None look like they would make their breakfast cheese omelette swim in gravy...
Of course, some of the bikers are too- some routinely ride the wrong way down one-way streets and ignore stop signs in my neighborhood.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Hollywood actors and models must generlly be paid sooo poor. Either they have to WALK to macdonalds or they don't have enough money to go to macdonalds. Look at them. None look like they would make their breakfast cheese omelette swim in gravy...
nah, they're just shit heads... so un-american they come out against operation iraqi freedom. what, so they dont want dictatorship to end? punch of hypocritical pussies, if you ask me. all that partying and smoozing must do something to fvck with their heads. the average joe knows how good it is to eat just plain deep-fried bacon, but them hollywood types, with their fois-gris and all, they think they're so important. but not john goodman and john candy... man those two could eat. if john goodman entered a hot dog eatin context, i would put my money on him over that japanese dude, you need a gut to eat hot dogs the american way. mmm, hot dogs... nothin like a slow roasted wiener...oh and i am sure john goodman knows how to idle his suv all the way down to the bar...
Originally posted by billybobsky
man i am having too much fun with this thread...
Good to hear your having fun....
You sound like a man in the can you explain why hollywood just so hates "white trailer trash"
Aren't we the displaced persons of the last great confederate civil war, whose war yell could send shivers down the proverbial spines of all northerners....?
Hey this is good enough for its own thread which I will post.