Can you recommend a good Dial-Up ISP?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm setting up an older iMac for my aunt who lives in CA. I know Earthlink is pretty good, but I was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations? Earthlink runs $21.95 a month. I did a quick search on the net for "mac isp" and I got a lot of hits that come in the $15-$17 range, which is great for my aunt since she has limited funds. However, I've never heard of any of these outfits.

So if anyone has any recommendations, I'd really appreciate hearing them.



  • Reply 1 of 5
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member is now available for OS X only

    9.95 per month
  • Reply 2 of 5
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    netzero also has a $9.95 a month access plan for X users... maybe if they get enough interest they will make a free version for x also...
  • Reply 3 of 5
    fuzz_ballfuzz_ball Posts: 390member
    My bad, forgot to include an important piece of info: she'll be running OS 9 since this is an older Grape iMac that does not run X very well. I'll check those out though and see if they have plans for OS 9 Macs. Thanks!
  • Reply 4 of 5
    deleriumdelerium Posts: 18member
    My Mom and Dad are in a similar situation as your aunt. After trying out the usual suspects...earthlink, aol...etc. I came across (formerly I signed them up a little over 3 years ago and have been impressed with the service.


    -large amount of access numbers

    -great spam filtering

    -easy to reach tech support (although the network may have only had 3-5 problems in the last few years and lasting only a day at that)


    -horribly designed website but effective

    -still just a dial up (ugh!)

    I signed my parents up as an additional email account on my .mac for $10 more a year. Although they have a email address we never use it and the whole service is 'back end' and basically never heard from.

    I know with Juno and Netzero the rates are cheaper, but for now due to their rock solid service and support I'll be keeping my parents on

    P.S. they are running a special right now...first six months $9.95
  • Reply 5 of 5
    fuzz_ballfuzz_ball Posts: 390member

    Originally posted by delerium

    My Mom and Dad are in a similar situation as your aunt. After trying out the usual suspects...earthlink, aol...etc. I came across (formerly I signed them up a little over 3 years ago and have been impressed with the service.


    -large amount of access numbers

    -great spam filtering

    -easy to reach tech support (although the network may have only had 3-5 problems in the last few years and lasting only a day at that)


    -horribly designed website but effective

    -still just a dial up (ugh!)

    I signed my parents up as an additional email account on my .mac for $10 more a year. Although they have a email address we never use it and the whole service is 'back end' and basically never heard from.

    I know with Juno and Netzero the rates are cheaper, but for now due to their rock solid service and support I'll be keeping my parents on

    P.S. they are running a special right now...first six months $9.95

    Thanks for the info! I will definitely check MacISP out this weekend!
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