iBook Kernal Panic on upgrade to 10.2.6 Help! Urgent!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I need help quickly.

I was helping a teacher of our school with her iBook. I decided to upgrade the system from 10.2.4 to 6. The upgrade completed successfully except when I restarted, it wouldn't boot up. Just a few seconds after the startup apple screen I'd get a kernal panic.(telling me to hold down the powerkey)

Now, I tried to flash the pram and take out the battery while holding down the power key all to no avail. She needs her computer desperately as all her documents and exam questions (our exams come soon) are on there.

I can't even boot up in single user mode. It looks like the kernal panic comes up quite early in the startup process.

So what should I do? I feel quite bad messing up her computer so I'd like to solve the problem.

Has anyone else encountered the same problem?

She's got an iBook 600 (late 2001) cdrom.

Please help!


  • Reply 1 of 6
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Alright, thanks, I'll try that.

    But it won't damage it even more, will it??

    If it does I'll be in big trouble.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    you are already in big trouble

    unless she installed any firmware updates, you should be fine.... but if she did all you have to do is re install them and everything will be good... dont forget to repair permissions and run fsck on the HD when everything is back to normal...
  • Reply 4 of 6
    Wait guys,

    What if the open firmware thing doesn't work?

    What are the potential problems that could happen?
  • Reply 5 of 6
    proxyproxy Posts: 232member
    Can be pretty gut wrenching can't it! You did backup before the update didn't you? I've pretty much developed the rule that I leave other people's systems well alone unless they ask me to do anything..that way they take the responsibility if anything goes wrong. It's live and learn.

    On a more positive note: Keep trying. Keep asking around. Ring Apple if she's got Applecare. Keep checking the forums. People have ressurected drives after many hair ripping sessions. Hope it goes well and let us know if you get chance as the answer may help someone else in your position.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by stevegongrui

    Wait guys,

    What if the open firmware thing doesn't work?

    What are the potential problems that could happen?

    Reset the firmware. I don't think anything bad can happen from doing that. If it fixes (and I think it will), then great. if it doesn't, try booting from a CD, like the hardware diagnostic CD. If that doesn't work, call Apple.
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