Ordering the New Units...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Alot of people prefer to wait until Mon. Jan.7,2002 when the new machines will make their

debut.So the news is fresh and exciting.A poster was real upset when he saw a photo

of the cube before it was officially presented.If you are offended by information or

photos that come out do not read the posts .If you are hard-core and do not wish to wait the normal back-log.You can place your order on Jan.2,2002 Call PCMall at 1(800)328-2793

Jim at extension 4373 or better yet email him at [email protected] I have enjoyed all the posts so much.There are so many creative people on these forums.They had to be Mac People.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    So we can order machines based on rumour.

    Well I will get my 2GHz G5 order in now. I assume that lead times will be the same as those give for orders on the 7th Jan.

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