Font This!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

Font woes - no matter the platform, something's never right. /

Here goes: I do a fair amount of work on both Jaguar and Windows XP, and would like to have a unified set of fonts available for both systems. XP recognizes OpenType fonts and TrueType fonts (which it both ends with .ttf), and these I can simply drag over to my Jaguar fonts folder to make them become available and usable.

XP also has a few bitmap fonts (.fon) which it uses for its command-line/MS-DOS emulator - these, it goes without saying, I have no need for. Also, XP supports Postscript Type 1 fonts (.pfm) - these I also don't need.

Sadly, things aren't as simple on the OS X side. Three different font types live inside my Jaguar fonts folder:

- Truetype/Opentype fonts ending in .ttf

- "Font suitcases" with no extensions

- "Data-fork font suitcases" ending in .dfont

The first kind, namely True/Opentype I can drag over to my XP machine and Windows will show them as regular font files - but they don't work. Same goes for the regular and data-fork font suitcases. Is there a way to take them over to Windows and make them work? Convert them to Opentype, perhaps?

(Frankly, I am surprised that not all fonts in OS X are by default OpenType, given how standards-driven the rest of the OS aims to be - but this is another thread for another time.)

Can anybody provide helpful tips? Much appreciated.


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