New Powerbook ideas

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Heres what i would like to see in a

g4 powerbook

1.keep the same form factor (ie titanium)

2.increase screen res or make it slightly larger

this wouldnt really affect portability

3.bus speed to 167 or 200

4.80gb hdd

5.max ram size now at 2gb

6.dual cpus 1ghz

7.airport built in with the antenna move to the lcd where the logo is to minimize interference

8.bluetooth built in

9.2 firewire alongside 2 usb in/out jacks

11.slot load dvdrw/cdrw

12.better keyboard layout (ie increase the arrow key sizes)

13.some kind of coolant (water ?) for an active

cooling system

14.64mb vid card again with better cooling.

nb.i havent had any paint issues as yet so i cant

comment on it.heat is still an issue

this is simply a wish list so feel free to add

in your wishes

its simply an engineering issue and could be pulled off. The price point would be an issue but

people would buy it because it would give them

a killer workstation class portable.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by madmax559:


    its simply an engineering issue</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Understatement of the year award goes to...

    J :cool:
  • Reply 2 of 22
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member
    Ok I came up with a neat idea... I like silent computers and to go along with that... Has anyone seen the Sharper Image air cleaner that has no fan and uses very little electricity. I was thinking since that moves air without fans and is silent why not add one to each side of the TiBook, increase the size of the screen to match. This would allow air to flow right through the case of the TiBook. I have no idea if it would be harmful to circutry or not praticle in this application it was just an idea.


    Edit: spelling

    [ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: A@ron ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 22
    That might take more of a miracle than engineering.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    And I wanna toilet made of solid gold but it's just not in the cards, now is it?
  • Reply 5 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    [quote]Originally posted by A@ron:

    <strong>Ok I came up with a neat idea... I like silent computers and to go along with that... Has anyone seen the Sharper Image air cleaner that has no fan and uses very little electricity. I was thinking since that moves air without fans and is silent why not add one to each side of the TiBook, increase the size of the screen to match. This would allow air to flow right through the case of the TiBook. I have no idea if it would be harmful to circutry or not praticle in this application it was just an idea.


    Edit: spelling

    [ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: A@ron ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    haha...a deionizer in a laptop?! this uses little electricity compared to regular filters but as opposed to a laptop battery i'm not sure. Also I think that they would have to figure out a better way because i think haveing enough electricity benig pumped through metal to deionize the air (thus it being pulled in to a different grate) would cause magnetic issues, but perhaps not. This would be interesting though...just probably not possible
  • Reply 6 of 22
    Umm, biger and better... This idea might catch on in computing.

    A 167 MHz bus might be in the cards, but not a 200. Neigher is a dual CPU laptop. A water cooled laptop would be big and heavy. But yeah, of course we'll se some of that stuff *someday*.

    [ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: smithjoel ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 22
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    How about picking the top 2 or 3 of of that list? Now that's just a matter of engineering.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    ok it was just a wish list

    im sure most them are possible if not

    already prototyped somewhere by some company

    apple or otherwise

    There was a rumour of a dual pb prototype

    some time ago but they may have had battery

    issues with that.

    the deionizer idea was funny nearly

    fell off my chair when i read that

    ..but then again why not, ideas have to start


    the fluid exchange mechanism is possible,

    not necesarily using water. how about using freon

    and using the heat to drive the exchanger instead

    of using battery life.

    or have a heat exchanger drive a powerless fan

    you know they could make ridges or bumps on the

    inside of the casing to increase the surface area

    & thereby reduce heat.

    the ti's have lousy reception for wifi, so well

    why not have the whole casing act as large reception unit.Heck go one better & bake the circuitry for the airport case into the inside of the case.

    keep posting theres some good responses

  • Reply 9 of 22
    stunnedstunned Posts: 1,096member
    wish as I would, I dun think Apple will come out with 64mb video cards for both the powerbooks and ibooks
  • Reply 10 of 22
    can't use freon without a compressor, good luck fitting that into a 1 inch thin laptop AND having a battery last more than 5 minutes. I am pretty sure that would be an engineering running the space shuttle on 4 D sized batteries would be an engineering issue. Active cooling is a great idea and maybe something like freon or compressed gas could be used, I just cannot think how, other than replaceable or refillable cartridges that cool for a while then have to be replaced. I think time would be better spent on making the CPU run cooler or on the batteries having more juice to push more efficient and quiet fans.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    also as far as dream options go:

    1) A larger trackpad that can double as a tablet like input device ( or even a thumb print identifier for security )

    2) touch sensitive screen

    3) how about the top of the case made of solar panels
  • Reply 12 of 22
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:

    <strong>also as far as dream options go:

    1) A larger trackpad that can double as a tablet like input device ( or even a thumb print identifier for security )

    2) touch sensitive screen

    3) how about the top of the case made of solar panels </strong><hr></blockquote>

    haha i actually thought about the case made of solar panels reflectors, but are away the price would increase by...maybe 200 panels are expensive i believe
  • Reply 13 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by G4Dude:

    <strong>And I wanna toilet made of solid gold but it's just not in the cards, now is it?</strong><hr></blockquote>


    There are solid gold toilets. It was in my Guinness WB of records

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    [ 11-03-2002: Message edited by: Croaton ]</p>
  • Reply 14 of 22
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    1. Screen protecting keyboard cover or design so marks don't occur.

    2. Fix the paint process

    3. CLock speed to 1GHZ+ is a necessity

    4. Bluetooth

    5. SuperDrive

    6. A 64MB video card is a must.

    7. Fix the flexibility problem in the case

    What do you mean, a larger screen? 15.2 inches isn't big enough in a laptop? Come on.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    how about my other idea of having ridges

    on the inside of the case ie the part below

    the keyboard to increase surface area & hence

    increase thermal conductivity

    i agree on the flex & the marks issue

    i use a thin cloth over the keyboard to prevent

    marks on the screen, but thats a bad design flaw

    that needs to be fixed.

    interestingly my ti800 fan only comes on when

    the gfx card is being taxed....

    i believe having a better optimized aqua layer

    would fix some of the cpu usage & speed issues
  • Reply 16 of 22
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    A .13u process CPU (whenever that happens)

    full 2MB L3 cache

    64MB Radeon9000, this is afetrall a very expensive notebook and it deserves the best videochipset.

    DDR, even hackserve style, it's supposed to draw less power, so that's good.

    40GB minimum HDD.

    1440x960 screen resolution (not essential, mebbe as an option)

    Entry level drops to 2000-2200 range.

    Bluetooth/airport card.

    Firewire 2 and USB2.0 (2 ports each)
  • Reply 17 of 22
    1. Faster, cooler running processor

    2. Faster Bus (Like the Sony Laptop 400mhz bus)

    3. DDR memory (Like the Sony Laptop)

    4. DVD-RW/CD-RW (Again, Like Sony Laptop)

    5. Better Screen Resolution (Like Sony Laptop)

    6. 4X AGP (maybe Apple already has this feature, but i know Sony has this feature).

    7. Lower Price (Like Sony Laptop)

    Sony 2 Ghz with the above specs costs 2499.99 and the 800Mhz apple costs 3,199. Apple costs 1,300.99 dollars more and we get less advanced hardware. Apple has great software but until they can give me equal or better hardware specification at a fair price, then i will NOT be buying a laptop any times soon. I have had 7 Apple Desktop systems in the last 10 years and stopped updating when i bought my last dual 533Mhz. Why, becaues apple's hardware continues to lag behind the specification of the PC world. This is the reason i now have a PC on my desk along side my Apple. I hope Apple will make the needed changes soon.
  • Reply 18 of 22
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by Croaton:



    There are solid gold toilets. It was in my Guinness WB of records

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    [ 11-03-2002: Message edited by: Croaton ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 19 of 22
    - faster clock speeds on a smaller feature size fab

    - integrated wireless

    - same screen size, or else a very dense screen that I can run at 1/2 the rest (1 pixel --&gt; 4 pixels) More importantly, though, I want OS X to handle resolution universally so that I can read the damn text on a high res screen.

    - A video card that allows me to run the built in display plus a 1280x1024 17" DVI flat panel, non mirrored. Maybe this already exists, but I'm not good at paying attention.

    - Firewire 800Mbps

    - Default desktop picture of an Rx-8. Rotary forever
  • Reply 20 of 22
    Form factor:

    needs to change. i loved it 2 years ago, and like it very much now(i own one), but 2 years is long enough. it's getting old, and needs to be put out of it's misery with brandspankin-new pro portable.

    -I'd like the weight to stay under 5.5 (which is preety good for a pro portable)

    -Size is perfect...although the screen does need a higher resolution (similar to the 17" imac would be nice)

    -outer shell should be made more streamline and less 'bold'. like the outer-lighter- rim should be a lot thinner and the rim around the screen should be thinneras well. maintain the suttle curves around the edges, but decrease their 'visibility'.

    -Airport card installation (if it dosent become standard across the pro portable line), should be as easy as it is with the current iBook.(under keyboard)

    -Ports: 2 USB, 2 Firewire, Audio in/out, gig-e-net, modem, power, s-video , DVI (VGA converter, as well as ADC connector)

    -AirPort Antennas up in the display is almost a necessity

    -better paint


    -upto 1Ghz

    -133Mhz bus speed

    -upto 1.5GB RAM (3 512MB slots)

    -Superdrive standard

    -60GB and 80GB HD @ 5400 RPM

    -Radeon 9000M w/ 64MB VRAM (for heavens sake 256 is becoming standard in PC desktops now-a-days.)

    -5 hour battery (Actual values, not marketing numbers), using iPod's battery technology.

    -1" thick
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