Yet another cool British Mac magazine...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
First, the news itself:

Now the magazine's site:

I'm going to move overseas.

I started a thread a while back, talking about this very thing. We have Macworld (hit or miss as of late, sadly). MacDesign, which, while good and meaty, just doesn't do it for me. Too flippant and breezy for me. Too sassy and "smarty-mouthed". And I don't even consider MacAddict. Well, I consider it a waste of paper and ink, but that's a whole other thread.

But once again, a snazzy UK-based Mac magazine. I'll be out and about tomorrow near a Barnes & Noble. Might check it out. What does £6 translate into in American dollars? Even if it's $14 or so, it's just every other month, so...

Again...WHY do these British mags (MacFormat, MacworldUK, that "My iMac" series (and now iCreate) ALL kick the hell out of American Mac publications?

They're PACKED full of USEFUL info and tips, have awesome photography and illustration and informational graphics and diagrams. Macworld seems to often use Apple's posed PR shots, as does MacDesign. These UK mags take cool, detailed photos of the ports, the back, the underside, show crap hooked up to it, etc.

I really, really wish someone would start something like this here. Hell, I kinda wish APPLE THEMSELVES would publish their own magazine. They wouldn't be the first company that did this, you know. They could load it up with cool "how to" articles about the iApps, a section for FCP and things, a section for OS X, graphics, home users, etc.

Anyway, I'll buy this iCreate if I stumble across it and will see if it's as good as the other ones from across the pond.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Because pscates consumers in the UK have much more style than Americans....honestly. Take a look at product design overseas and then look at what we get.

    While Denon, Philips, Sony etc deliver highly styled products there we get black boxes and garden variety products...and we LOVE IT.

    Let's face it America is Blue Jeans and Apple Pie. The UK is Armani and Baklava.
  • Reply 2 of 13
    cybermonkeycybermonkey Posts: 604member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Because pscates consumers in the UK have much more style than Americans....honestly. Take a look at product design overseas and then look at what we get.

    While Denon, Philips, Sony etc deliver highly styled products there we get black boxes and garden variety products...and we LOVE IT.

    Let's face it America is Blue Jeans and Apple Pie. The UK is Armani and Baklava.

    LOL, well i aint going to start a flame war but i agree europe is more fashionable. But the reason our mags are better is probably down to better education and just a complete different perspective on life.

    And oh, £6 is about $9-10. But will probably cost more as your overseas.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    alpha macalpha mac Posts: 463member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    LOL, well i aint going to start a flame war but i agree europe is more fashionable. But the reason our mags are better is probably down to

    i'd go with that.
  • Reply 4 of 13
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yes, but we gave the world "Joe Millionaire", O.J. Simpson and the McRib sandwich, so don't ever forget that.

    Hmmm...wait a minute. Uh...

  • Reply 5 of 13
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    yes we have/had the mcrib...but the uk gave us american idol, so damn them to hell for that...

  • Reply 6 of 13
    alpha macalpha mac Posts: 463member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    yes we have/had the mcrib...but the uk gave us american idol, so damn them to hell for that...


    Yhea, we are very Sorry bout that.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    LOL no I really didn't want to start a flame war at all. I like the style of does trickle down to the US. I mean finally after what 3 years we have a healthy selection of Silver HiFi components which I prefer over Black. Apple vs PC industry shows that some Americans do prefer design as a computer attribute.

    I for one do love the Brit magazines as well. I'll get around to subscribing to my favorites eventually. I really like T3 because of the nifty gagdets they show as well.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    cybermonkeycybermonkey Posts: 604member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    LOL no I really didn't want to start a flame war at all. I like the style of does trickle down to the US. I mean finally after what 3 years we have a healthy selection of Silver HiFi components which I prefer over Black. Apple vs PC industry shows that some Americans do prefer design as a computer attribute.

    I for one do love the Brit magazines as well. I'll get around to subscribing to my favorites eventually. I really like T3 because of the nifty gagdets they show as well.

    got to agree with you there.(doing that a lot lately)

    you americans have given us Fords, GMC, McDonalds, KFC, Budwieser, levis etc etc etc and us europeans have completely forgiven you for that

    What has america done for us..Apple-Mac At least you get something right every now and then.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member

    Originally posted by pscates:

    And I don't even consider MacAddict. Well, I consider it a waste of paper and ink, but that's a whole other thread.

    What? MacAddict is the only Mac mag I subscribe to now...I quit subscribing to Macworld.


    Originally posted by pscates:

    They're PACKED full of USEFUL info and tips, have awesome photography and illustration and informational graphics and diagrams. Macworld seems to often use Apple's posed PR shots, as does MacDesign. These UK mags take cool, detailed photos of the ports, the back, the underside, show crap hooked up to it, etc.

    You just described MacAddict, minus the laid-back hilarity. MacAddict always does their own photography as soon as the get ahold of the machines themselves. Hell, this month's issue even has pictures of a dissected 17" PowerBook! The reviews are informative, the CD is awesome. Maybe the suck is on your end.

  • Reply 10 of 13
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    That's entirely possible, I guess.

    I don't know...I've just never liked MacAddict for some reason. Always seemed too self-consciously "hipster tech" or "geek chic" or something. To a fault. Lots of inside jokes and gaming references and arcane, "gotta be 'in the know' to get it" writing.

    Put it this way: when I read it, I feel like I'm reading an entire magazine written by Andy Ihnatko.

    And that ain't a good thing...

  • Reply 11 of 13
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    I used to buy MacAddict before it all went to hell. That is, when it started targeting the extreme low-end "this is the power button" of the computing spectrum. The 'net will ALWAYS be a better source of news than mags, so the only reason I bought it was because of the "How-To" sections.

    Also, going from A$12.95 to A$17.95 was a bit much for me.

  • Reply 12 of 13
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    Just got iCreate, looks good a decent size without too many adverts. Will post more later when I've read it...

  • Reply 13 of 13
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member

    Originally posted by pscates

    That's entirely possible, I guess.

    I don't know...I've just never liked MacAddict for some reason. Always seemed too self-consciously "hipster tech" or "geek chic" or something. To a fault. Lots of inside jokes and gaming references and arcane, "gotta be 'in the know' to get it" writing.

    Put it this way: when I read it, I feel like I'm reading an entire magazine written by Andy Ihnatko.

    And that ain't a good thing...

    Yuck...Andy is okay for an opinion writer, but that's not the jive of the magazine. I like MacAddict because it makes me feel like its not made by suit-wearing stern-faced grammar drones. And it isn't. Macworld et al are just to corporate-feeling...MacAddict agrees with me on a visceral level.

    I do agree that some of the humor is sort of inside stuff, but it's mostly what comes with the Mac culture. I am not, and never have been a big gamer, and I get most of the material.

    When was the last time you actually read an issue?
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