Unexpected Quits

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm running 10.1.5 and after installing the iTunes, iMovie, & QT 6.3 upgrades (all at once), I get consistent 'The application [appname] has unexpectedly quit.' messages whenever I try to start iPhoto, Address Book, Project Builder, & Interface Builder. I expect there are others too. Mail, Camino, Terminal, Sherlock, iTunes, iMovie, Quicktime Player etc. all seem to be fine. I tried a bunch of things including:

- fsck in single user mode

- disk repair utility after booting from OS X CD (looks remarkably similar to fsck, is it?)

- repair permissions

- reinstall iPhoto

- creating a new account & running affected apps from there (thought it might be a preferences thing)

- reinstalling Quicktime 6.3 from the stand alone installer

- resetting prebinding info (optimize)

Nothing seems to work, and I can't get any good information about what might be causing the problem from the Console app or any of the standard /var/log/ files.

Any other ideas? I know reformatting and installing the OS might cure it, but that seems rather drastic. Surely I should be able to troubleshoot this and at least isolate the problem. Right now, I'm just taking shots in the dark.



  • Reply 1 of 7
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Not to be a dick....but HELLO?

    Those apps are more than likely not designed for 10.1.5, but for 10.2 and up!!!
  • Reply 2 of 7
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Not to be a dick....but HELLO?

    Those apps are more than likely not designed for 10.1.5, but for 10.2 and up!!!

    well, yeah, but the complaint is still valid, in that my entire studio gets rrashes of "unexpectedly quits", even running the latest software, or older software until i can ensure the stability from online reports.

    troubleshooting os x is way harder than people give it credit for, mostly because it (and accompanying software) is moving super-fast compared to the mac os 9 generation and earlier. back then, it seemed that an incremental update would come out, and it would be months before another 0.0.x release, giving everyone enough time to test and release new apps. now everyone's racing so fast (apple included) that's it's really tough to decipher what's causing problems -- corrupt files, incompatibilities between apps, incompatibilities between the os and the hardware. plus, no one's made a good, solid diagnostic utility yet (note: i have not tested systemworks 3 or techtool pro 4 yet, but i am getting diskwarrior 3 in the next few weeks, and it has never failed me, so fingers-crossed).

    here's another hint, posted on macfixit that fixes things really well -- if you can't track down what's crashing apps, make a new user profile, log in as that user, and see if the problem occurs. if not, it's corrupt prefs or plists gone awry. you MAY be able to log back in as yourself and everything will be okay.

    again, it feels like we're back to troubleshooting voodoo these days, but we'll get by like we always do. we still have it way better than our windows' counterparts in IT.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    sundogsundog Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Not to be a dick....but HELLO?

    Those apps are more than likely not designed for 10.1.5, but for 10.2 and up!!!

    Sorry to render you post pointless, but if you check the requirements for QT 6.3, iTunes 4.0.1 and iMovie 3.0.3 you will discover that 10.1.5 is indeed supported. As a matter of fact I made these updates through the Mac's Software Update application. I expect it to only show me the updates that are valid for my machine.

  • Reply 4 of 7
    sundogsundog Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by rok

    here's another hint, posted on macfixit that fixes things really well -- if you can't track down what's crashing apps, make a new user profile, log in as that user, and see if the problem occurs. if not, it's corrupt prefs or plists gone awry. you MAY be able to log back in as yourself and everything will be okay.

    Tried that one. No luck. As a matter of fact that's where I reinstalled iPhoto from. Are there system-wide preferences that could be causing an issue?


    again, it feels like we're back to troubleshooting voodoo these days, but we'll get by like we always do. we still have it way better than our windows' counterparts in IT.

    Voodoo is definitely the right word for it. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    sundogsundog Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by Sundog

    I'm running 10.1.5 and after installing the iTunes, iMovie, & QT 6.3 upgrades (all at once), I get consistent 'The application [appname] has unexpectedly quit.' messages whenever I try to start iPhoto, Address Book, Project Builder, & Interface Builder. [...]

    Well I have some interesting news... I deleted my old address book preferences file (plist) and Address Boook is fixed. I swear I tried it in a new account and it didn't work, but anyway....

    If I delete my iPhoto library, I can open the application. But then I can't open it again until I delete the newly created library again.

    Project Builder will start but crashes after defining the location for a new project or trying to open an existing project.

    Interface Builder just doesn't work.

    Any ideas? Maybe my hard drive is starting to go? How can I tell?
  • Reply 6 of 7
    sundogsundog Posts: 21member
    Oh dammit! I just discovered that Mail only sorta works. I can open the application and see and read my existing messages. I can also connect to my mail account and retrieve messages. I just can't compose or reply to anything. I use Yahoo through a browser most of the time so I hadn't noticed this little gem until a few minutes ago. [Sigh] One step forward and ....
  • Reply 7 of 7
    sundogsundog Posts: 21member
    I discovered how to log application crashes in the Console application. Of course, not too suprisingly, I don't really know what to do with this information. However, I am somewhat familiar with Cocoa and Objective-C, and it looks like the crash is happening when the app is sending the parent message to the the NSFileSpecifier object. This seems fairly consistent from app to app that is having problems. Now my question is, "What the heck is NSFileSpecifier?" I can't seem to find any documentation on this class (not even on Google). So Mac AppleInsider Geniuses, what do you think? Here is a sample log:

    Date/Time: 2003-06-11 21:50:44 -0600

    OS Version: 10.1.5 (Build 5S66)

    Host: localhost

    Command: iPhoto

    PID: 291

    Exception: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (0x0002)

    Code[0]: 0x00000002

    Code[1]: 0x70d0f634

    Thread 0 Crashed:

    #0 0x70d0f634 in -[NSFileSpecifier parent]

    #1 0x70d00ed8 in -[NSDocument _setFileSpecifier:]

    #2 0x70d005f8 in -[NSDocument _reconcileDisplayNameAndTrackingInfoToFileName]

    #3 0x70d041f8 in -[NSDocument setFileName:]

    #4 0x000244fc in 0x244fc

    #5 0x0004e370 in 0x4e370

    #6 0x00050388 in 0x50388

    #7 0x70da51f8 in -[NSWindowController _windowDidLoad]

    #8 0x70c82dc4 in -[NSWindowController window]

    #9 0x70da5abc in -[NSWindowController showWindow:]

    #10 0x70d047dc in -[NSDocument showWindows]

    #11 0x70d06bb4 in -[NSDocumentController openUntitledDocumentOfType:display:]

    #12 0x000d912c in 0xd912c

    #13 0x70d06578 in -[NSDocumentController newDocument:]

    #14 0x70c7ebf8 in -[NSDocumentController _openUntitled]

    #15 0x70c5edd0 in -[NSApplication _doOpenUntitled]

    #16 0x70c91168 in _requiredAEEventHandler

    #17 0x735fce08 in TryEventTable

    #18 0x735f2d8c in AEMDispatcher

    #19 0x735f3f4c in aeResumeTheCurrentEvent

    #20 0x735fcb44 in aeReallyProcessAppleEvent

    #21 0x735f6f48 in aeProcessAppleEvent

    #22 0x70bd721c in _DPSNextEvent

    #23 0x70bfe5d8 in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]

    #24 0x70c23468 in -[NSApplication run]

    #25 0x70c91ed0 in NSApplicationMain

    #26 0x00004ac0 in 0x4ac0

    #27 0x000048f0 in 0x48f0

    PPC Thread State:

    srr0: 0x70d0f634 srr1: 0x0008f030 vrsave: 0x00000000

    xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x70d00ed8 ctr: 0x70d0f634 mq: 0x00000000

    r0: 0x70d00ed8 r1: 0xbfffec20 r2: 0xbfffe908 r3: 0x01796590

    r4: 0x706d5edc r5: 0x01796590 r6: 0x00000000 r7: 0x00000000

    r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x017884d0 r10: 0x00000000 r11: 0x00000000

    r12: 0x70d0f634 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000000

    r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0xbffff888 r18: 0xbffff818 r19: 0x00000001

    r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x01788690 r22: 0x00000000 r23: 0x001273fc

    r24: 0x01bd4fa0 r25: 0x01788690 r26: 0x00000000 r27: 0x01796590

    r28: 0x01788690 r29: 0x706d1b38 r30: 0x01788690 r31: 0x70d00e5c

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