Crass or Clever? Asking for PayPal Donations

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I've considered using PayPal as a quick and easy way for faraway clients to pay me for services rendered....but what about all these people using it as an electronic panhandling technique?

I know that you've seen people stick up a PayPal donation link on their websites, just in case some beneficent philanthropist wanders across their site and feels the sudden urge to drop some cash. Am I the only one who sees that tag and wonders if they actually ever get donations?

Crass or Clever?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    roborobo Posts: 469member
    I have given money through such PayPal links, but not to 'panhandlers'. Usually, it's someone who is putting a lot of effort and their own money into running a very good website, and they have a link so that people who enjoy or benefit from the site can contribute to defray some of the cost.

    I think it's perfectly legitimate, and it's really not fair to call it 'panhandling'.

    OTOH, there are a few rare but rather well known cases of people actually setting up 'begging' websites, and apparently doing quite well, but i assume that's not what you're talking about.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    A good example of a website that I would donate to if had the extra cash is He puts a lot of time into what he does.
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