QS 867 ATA/66 question
I have a quicksilver 867 power mac, and i've never added any internal storage.. I am still using the 60 GB HD that was already in the computer. I need to get more space, and I have heard that because the ATA controller is an ATA 66 one, i can only have a total of 120 GBs.. I pretty much have no idea what ATA controllers do or anything like that... i just want to know if I should only buy a 60 GB hard drive... Also, if i outgrow that one, will I need a new controller PCI card? Sorry, i really don't understand this stuff... and I can't seem to find it documented anywhere else.
Most drives will work tho. You can check on the manufactures site if the are compatible.
A Maxtor 30GB with model number 6E030L0 is an example of a compatible drive. This is the case for the 20,30,40,60,80 GB Maxtors. (and a pretty cheap).
A Seagate Barracude 40GB model number ST340014A is also compatible. The same for the 20,40,60 & 80s.
Installation itself is simple. Apple even has a qt video how to do it. Basically open up the machine. Rest the new hard disk on top of the existing hard disk. Plug in a spare power lead. Plug in the ide cable. Reboot. Use disk utility and format the disk as to how you like it.