Yahoo Account/

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hi. I've been trying to get my Yahoo! account working with and it's been annoying... First it complains that my password isn't right.. So I change it. Then it complains about it not running on port 110.. -_-.. What is the incoming Yahoo! mail server? Any help would be appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 23
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    It's been a while since I've had my Yahoo account, but try either or just
  • Reply 2 of 23
    I've tried but I'll try popmail... Thanks..
  • Reply 3 of 23
    Nope. Didn't work. I tried as well as When I do that it asks for my password which it stubbornly rejects each time I type it in... o_0......
  • Reply 4 of 23
    vandewaalsvandewaals Posts: 450member
    Do you have the enhanced Yahoo Mail? The regular, free Yahoo account does not come with POP access. There is some sort of plugin available to do hotmail on, but it does not work with Yahoo.
  • Reply 5 of 23
    I have SBC DSL..... Wouldn't that be enough?
  • Reply 6 of 23
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    I have SBC DSL..... Wouldn't that be enough?

    Nope. Yahoo! doesn't provide free pop for their US accounts. If you want pop, you need to pay.
  • Reply 7 of 23
    Well I got this CD in the mail that has all this sh*t on it... And it says POP access is available... I tried to install it but I refuse to use IE...
  • Reply 8 of 23
    I imagine with SBC Yahoo DSL, you just get POP access to the address. I think POP access to Yahoo mail is like $10 or so a year (or $20, I'm too lazy to check).
  • Reply 9 of 23
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    yeah available if you want to PAY...
  • Reply 10 of 23
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    Well I got this CD in the mail that has all this sh*t on it... And it says POP access is available... I tried to install it but I refuse to use IE...

    The key word is "available." Lots of things are available but that doesn't necessarily mean you have access to them. I bet there are a few 17" powerbooks available in my area. But I can't have them... Too bad.
  • Reply 11 of 23
    Oh...and you might want to avoid installing the software on the CD. You can configure the Network settings to do DSL via PPPoE without adding the crapware that most ISP's give you. At least for EarthLink it works that way. Dig around on their support webpage and see if they have an OS X section.
  • Reply 12 of 23
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    yeah earthlink software is crap... if i didnt know better I would say that installing their crap broke my Ti Book...
  • Reply 13 of 23
    chrisgchrisg Posts: 239member
    If you have SBC Yahoo DSL you have POP access to your mail. Here are all of the servers depending on your email address:
  • Reply 14 of 23
    vandewaalsvandewaals Posts: 450member
    I guess it depends on whether Proud meant he wanted to get POP to his account or the one that comes with the DSL service. I interpreted it as the former, and somehow it would be appropriate if I was wrong . Carry on.
  • Reply 15 of 23

    Originally posted by ChrisG

    If you have SBC Yahoo DSL you have POP access to your mail. Here are all of the servers depending on your email address:

    ChrisG:: Thanks for the list.. It looked promising but it didn't work. It gets as far as rejecting my password and then I can't get any further. Any suggestions? Also is the server port 110? That's the default in
  • Reply 16 of 23
    chrisgchrisg Posts: 239member
    Hmmm.... You have to use your full email address as the username. For example if your username was "iBook" you would type in "[email protected]". Also you have to use a username and password for the Outgoing mail server also. Shouldn't be any port problems, it runs on the standard ports.

    Also if this email address is not the main account for your DSL and is one of the like 10 sub accounts you ccan have you have to migrate them if you got the DSL before the whole Yahoo SBC merge.
  • Reply 17 of 23

    Originally posted by ChrisG

    Hmmm.... You have to use your full email address as the username. For example if your username was "iBook" you would type in "[email protected]". Also you have to use a username and password for the Outgoing mail server also. Shouldn't be any port problems, it runs on the standard ports.

    Also if this email address is not the main account for your DSL and is one of the like 10 sub accounts you ccan have you have to migrate them if you got the DSL before the whole Yahoo SBC merge.

    I've tried it both ways.. I'm gonna give up for now.. Thanks for the help.
  • Reply 18 of 23
    jegrantjegrant Posts: 45member
    Yahoo used to have a program called Yahoo Delivers! - where, if you would sign up and agree to receive emails from Yahoo's advertisers, you could (originally) earn Yahoo Points (but that part was dropped) and receive free POP access to your Yahoo account. Then they made POP access a pay only feature. As such, I changed my preferences to no longer accept Yahoo Delivers! email, as I don't need extra advertising when it doesn't benefit me in any way. The only benefit left to being a long time Yahoo account holder, that I'm aware of, is the 6 megabyte mailbox size. New users only get 4 megs, and must pay if they want more.

    Okay, you can migrate at least 1 account you had as a free Yahoo account to your SBC Yahoo DSL service, at the time of signup. I don't know how, but I suspect it's also possible to migrate a free Yahoo account to become one of the 10 sub accounts you're allowed to have as part of the service. However, I would not migrate - because if you migrate an account that used to be free, and then you cancel your SBC Yahoo DSL later on down the road, you will have to pay Yahoo directly $9.95 a month if you want to maintain that Yahoo ID. The only way to get it back as a free account would be to close it, let it go back into the "public pool" of account names, and try to re-signup for it and get it before someone else does. This is described in the SBC Y! DSL TOS. As far as I know, the $10 per month fee is PER Yahoo ID you want to maintain after you cancel DSL. This, ladies and gentlemen, is called "Lock-In", and I want no part of it.

    In fact, I feel this reduces the value of many of the services they provide, because, for example, if you were to use the 3 free auction listings they provide each month to your primary ID, and then built up a nice little auction business with good customer feedback, but then decided to change broadband providers, you'd be on the hook for a monthly fee to Yahoo if you wanted to maintain that feedback record, otherwise it would just disappear. I wouldn't expect to keep receiving free auction listings if I canceled DSL, but I think it's just highway robbery to charge that much just to maintain the account.

    You do get POP/SMTP for your primary account and sub accounts included, and in my experience, I can access the .Mac SMTP for that account, and the Y! SMTP has worked for the rest of my various accounts, as long as I authenticate with my primary SBC Y! DSL account when I use it.

    I have just been using Safari/Camino to check my free Yahoo account (which I did not, and will not, integrate into my SBC DSL in any way, to avoid future charges) and eventually I plan to implement this open source Yahoo POP server solution, but I haven't tried it yet:

    Honestly the only things I like about SBC Y! DSL are:

    - relatively low price, lower than any other broadband available to me currently

    - customized home page isn't bad, video files are streamed in Flash and therefore work great on the Mac, unlike nearly every other media-streaming feature on Yahoo

    - they don't appear to block any ports or spy on what I'm sending & receiving online

    - SMTP server has been reliable, at least for me, and from what I've heard, before Yahoo got involved, the email was a very weak point

    They have bad Mac support - "coming soon" "this feature considered for the next version" etc. They include streaming of radio stations and music videos from Yahoo LAUNCH, but those features only work (very poorly) under OS 9 or Classic with Netscape 4.xx and Windows Media Player 7. They include 110 megabytes of "Yahoo Briefcase" storage, which is useless as it can't be linked to from any other site and can't be used for "remote loading" of images. The only thing it might be good for is if you have a lot of photos you want to load into Yahoo's Photos site, as the Briefcase storage can be used for them. And Yahoo Briefcase, to my knowledge, can't be mounted as a volume like the .Mac iDisk can, except through an unsupported utility they offer for Windows. The new Yahoo Platinum service doesn't support Macs either.
  • Reply 19 of 23
    Thanks man! I'm compiling it now. In case it doesnt work can some1 compile it and send me the binary?
  • Reply 20 of 23
    It keeps complaining about some openssl directory not existing:

    ld: warning -L: directory name (/home/users/o/os/osdndevel/ypmac/openssl/lib) does not exist

    ld: warning -L: directory name (/home/users/o/os/osdndevel/ypmac/openssl/lib) does not exist

    ld: warning table of contents of library: ../common/lib/re_lib/libre_lib.a not sorted slower link editing will result (use the ranlib(1) -s option)

    I think it didn't even finish compiling when it came across that error. Has anyone successfully compiled this app? I really wanna have POP access to my yahoo mail... The web-based is ugly. heh. All help is appreciated.
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