Leasing a car.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hey everyone, I am about to be checking out different cars that I will consider leasing. My price range is from $150-$225 a month and probably a 36 month lease...the cars that I am looking at are the VW Jetta, Ford Mustang, Mini Cooper, and the VW Golf. All of these cars are in the price range and retail for around 18K.

Please tell me what you think or what you know...8)


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    Mustang Standard Coup...$220 a month for 36...$18,400 retail.

    Mini Cooper...$185 a month for 36...$16,500 retail.
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    Oh and the Toyota Celica is decently priced at around 18K so if anyone has any insights please, feel free to share.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    saabmp3saabmp3 Posts: 52member
    I'm not really sure why you have the mustang in there as a choice. The other three cars are solid pieces of macheniery. The mini is technicallly a BMW 1 series so you should have too much trouble with that. I personally like the Jetta, but you need to drive them for yourself.

  • Reply 4 of 5
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Check out this thread from a little while back. Much discussion about leasing in general.

  • Reply 5 of 5
    lixlix Posts: 56member
    Over in the UK...

    VW Jetta (Golf with a trunk? instead of a hatchback) boring

    VW Golf - boring

    Mini - cool, but has had build quality issues. We have the One, Cooper and Cooper S. Get the One then rechip the engine management to get Cooper power! Cost £300/$450 ish

    Mustang - we don't get

    Not much use but hey, I'm bored at work!
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