Second video card?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Does anyone know which is the best PCI gfx card to add to my 1.42 dualy? i got some 16Mb ATi in at the moment, and want something that can handle Quartz nicely so i don't get funny staggers on my second monitor.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    ATI Radeon 7000 Works very nice.

    I have one in my MMD 1.25 Dualy.

    I think it's the only one that's for PCI. APPLE should put 2 AGP Buses in the powermac!!
  • Reply 2 of 2
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    A few points...

    A motherboard can only have one AGP bus on it. I don't know why, that's just how it works. Once PCI Express (not PCI-X) comes out, it should be able to handle graphics cards as well as a standard AGP slot, but you can have many PCI Express video cards.

    The best PCI video card is the now-discontinued PCI Radeon. It's better than the current Radeon 7000, but more expensive and harder to find.

    In order to run Quartz Extreme on a PCI video card, you'll have to download a hack which will make it work. It will certainly work, but it does have downsides. One is that it makes QuickTime movies look scrambled and weird before you start playing them (they look fine during playback). The other is that it slows down iTunes visuals. But in general, the performance enhancement is good.
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