Duel 2ghz G5 - does anyone care what it look like?

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
We have seen the fake pics, but honestly I don't think anyone is going to care a hoot what it looks like. How many orders are they going to take on the Apple store on Monday evening??? I thin the waiting list could be even longer than it was for the G4 iMac.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    I'm a bit puzzled. When I had a pc one of the big arguments from Mac users was that their machines were stylish, sleek, classy etc.

    Now, due to an exciting boost of power (all being well), that all seems to be out of the window with some people

    (ps - Please don't kill me )
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    I hope it's a dual and duel. I can't imagine a computer getting anything done with its processors fighting each other.
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  • Reply 3 of 8
    Apple has the best design team in the world, all hand picked people set on a common objective. The new Power Mac, even if it is the "fake pics" that were released has a reason for every single apect of its design. Maybe it wont be as eye catching as the original B&W G3 towers but it may be more functionaly beautiful. Appeal is also in the eye of the beholder, the things that Ives does with his design all have practical reasoning, maybe he is undergoing a personal change or possibly the market doesnt care for looks as much as practicality anymore. If that is the case then Ives can design a PowerMac based around the new trend, which im sure is what has happened.
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  • Reply 4 of 8
    Here's an early this morning shot of apple's website. It's been pulled from some of the rumor sites but I put it up here just for y'all. (Those who missed it originally)


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  • Reply 5 of 8
    alecralecr Posts: 33member
    Ernest- I think its safe to say, based on the past, that whatever this new machine looks like it will be great.
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  • Reply 6 of 8
    I don't give two craps whether it has a new case or not, or what it will look like. The current case is pretty nice, I don't see why everyone is so obessesed with new case design...
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  • Reply 7 of 8
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    Duel 2ghz G5 - does anyone care what it look like?

    I do.
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  • Reply 8 of 8
    Just so all the people out there know, It's (((Dual))) 2Ghz G5. I think it's going to look kinda like the PowerMacs we have now, just more sleek and Alu.. for a case. I think the Dual Processor Machine will be a different color...
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