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in macOS edited January 2014
Steve mentioned that they now support IPSec VPNs. Anybody know what's new with that? AFAIK they had kernel support for IPsec in 10.2. Have they added an IKE client? Maybe an L2TP client?

Any1 has links to something official from Apple about this?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    nitzernitzer Posts: 115member

    Originally posted by synp

    Steve mentioned that they now support IPSec VPNs. Anybody know what's new with that? AFAIK they had kernel support for IPsec in 10.2. Have they added an IKE client? Maybe an L2TP client?

    Any1 has links to something official from Apple about this?

    I assume that means they have a GUI on it now.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    synpsynp Posts: 248member

    Originally posted by Nitzer

    I assume that means they have a GUI on it now.

    That's what I am guessing too. I wish they had some more details about it. I work for an IPsec provider and supporting mac OS X without installing a client would be very good for us.
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