Cannot Connect To Server--cable Modem
Just got adelphia cable modem, tried first with airport snow, didn't work called adelphia support we connected modem to ilMac dv400 slot load by ethernet cable(ehternet to ethernet < > symbol). went through os9.2.2 and 10.2.3. In os 10 tcp/ip gets the ip address the cable support says i should, including submask the pull down lmenu has ethernet and adelphia power link( when i choose ethernet no isp address shows up, when i choose power link isp address shows up) when i try browser (IE5) get error cannot connect to server. we went through multiple reboots, off/on cycles withthe modem even trashed my tcp/ip preferences. went to tier 2 support and still nothing he suggested calling apple support but i'm trying here first. i tried to connect under os9.2.2 and 10.2.3 nothing worked...tried apple support forums and did what they said and nothing has worked
(No, I don't have a crossover cable fetish, I just ran into sooo many problems with them that I hate them with a passion!) 8)
I went to apple support as you can see from my edited text and went through there suggestions and didn't work.
as far as patch vs crossover cable, i'm using an ethernet cable i don't know what patch/crossover means I tried with my airport and had the same problem (plugged it into the ethernet port not the other one)
I have finals now, so I gotta go...8)
now, the trick is, if the cable that came with your modem is crossover, then you need a cable->crossover->airport connection, and not patch (the radioshack wire, and most wires you buy in a store are patch cables, as Ebby said; I think you can buy crossovers, they just require a bit more effort to find). since its an airport base station (if i read that right), then you should (assuming space enough for its power source) be able to put it right next to the cable modem (with its shorter provided cable).
I seriously doubt the ethernet cable is the culprit.
Frustrated i just wanted broadband, so i took my work laptop with xp pro (dell 8100) long story short i couldn't get on with windows either.... support was called we did the same things we did with the mac and guess what same problem wasn't holding on to the ip address or something, then i said it's got to be on your side sooooooo i asked for a tech to come to the house to install a new modem till it ran, they agreed,
Probable BAD MODEM!!!!!!
will try to swap out this one tomorrow and try again.
I almost sat down and did the clean install, if changing a defective modem does the trick i'm going to call apple and adelphia and let them have it. no one till i said something said anything about problem modems......!!!!!!
i'll keep you up to date
thanks mucho PROBABLE BAD MODEM!!!!
Now that that's working(still don't know why i didn't change anything on my side since we last "talked")
My airport won't connect. The ip address the airport gets is different than direct connect. airport says-- direct connect i don't think there are any upgrades for the snow abs I did the usual things dragged airport to top of list of configuations under network, used airport admininsator to configure, do you think a hard reset would help? i don't want to do something i can't reverse. how do you know if the abs is working well, i get communication with my imac, and it sees the airport, it will reset etc, show signal strength.
you say that you got the cable modem to work when u directly connected it to your computer, right? when you did that (and this may have been the problem before now that i think about it), the modem may have saved the connection information (particularly the mac address) of the computer it successfully hit the internet with. to make the modem work by going through the base station, you probably just have to turn off the cable modem, then unplug the power cable for a minute or two (process called power cycling). then turn it back on, and make sure you connect it directly to the base station's uplink/wan port. then, if the base station still doesn't grab the right address, try restarting it (turn it off->then back on).
(Posted Jul 2, 03 3:38 pm) [ bookmark ] [ mail ] [ reply ]
Posts: 14
iMac 400 DV ABS (snow) 2.0.2
Mac OS X (10.2.x)
640mb IMac dv400 10.2.6 airport-snow. Finally after much work--including bringing back my modem to have adelphia check it out, My imac with ethernet cables got connected--get 2800kbs. When try with airport, i get an appropriate airport ip address, good airport signal, my iMac "sees" the airport. went through all the suggestions from apple support outline troubleshoot airport outline, changed appletalk to "on" step xvi "force reconfiguation of ip information"adelphia use dhcp, hooked modem to WAN port. powered down/reconnect ethernet cables/powered up. Powered off / on modem in 1-2 minutes. maybe i need longer to "forget last MAC"
But nothing has
Eugene R Degiorgio
RE: Airport snow won't work with Cable Modem-
(msg # 1.: Posted Jul 3, 03 1:02 pm) [ edit ] [ delete ] [ bookmark ] [ mail ] [ reply ]
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YIPPEE--YAHOO GOT IT TO WORK mac worked with direct ethernet connection but not abs
2.unplugged my cable modem for 24hrs to lose the last MAC address
3.reconfigured my airport with airport administration, unchecked airport, rechecked airport in tcp/ip, as per apple outline for troubleshooting. unchecked all proxies, turned appletalk on put airport to top of configuartion list did all the airport things.....then
4.plugged in ethernet cable to modem powered up modem, launched safari. BINGO
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