New hardware designs...where to go?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
First off, I hope I'm putting this in the proper forum. It might need to be in General Discussion? Mods, feel free to put this in the proper place.

I'm sitting here tonight, looking at my LCD iMac, thinking about the iBook (see my thread in General Discussion) and mulling over most of Apple's current stuff.

Honestly...HOW are they going to top some of this stuff?

The iMac is perfect, IMO. The design allows for screen size changes with no redesign to the body (unlike the CRT "jellybean" iMacs).

Jobs wanted the drives mounted horizontally to allow for higher speeds and all.

That chrome arm (and the variety of positions it allows the screen to be in) is pure genius and quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen, computer-wise.

Honest to goodness, how will Apple ever improve upon - or top - this design? They can make it faster, with bigger hard drives and all, of course. But I'm talking specifically about the industrial design.

I defy anyone here to do a mock-up that would trump the current LCD iMac.

All the above kinda goes for the iBook too, now that I think about it.

AND the Titanium PowerBook (how much skinnier could it get and still exist?).

Have you noticed the lack of "mock up" galleries and efforts as of late? We can't top this stuff, people!

I'd give anything to leapfrog 2-3 years into the future (2005 or 2006) and see what Apple has in their lineup then!

Thoughts? Has Apple gotten as cool as they can get and hit the ceiling on design/functionality?

How much "flat" can you make an LCD? How could/would you improve the current iMac, strictly from a design standpoint.


  • Reply 1 of 55
    garypgaryp Posts: 150member
    The Pro Towers have a lot of room for improvement. At present, they seem more like a stopgap than anything really cool. Almost everything could be improved: Processor speed, memory bandwidth, connectivity (USB 2, Firewire 2), noise level, system buss, etc. It's hard to imagine buying a dual gig now & still loving it in 4 years like my Jan'99 Blue & White. I want a new system next year, but not anything I've seen yet.
  • Reply 2 of 55
    I've heard the 970 is in fact ready to go, but Ives and Jobs are still scribbling on napkins to nail the case design.
  • Reply 3 of 55
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    The towers can be improved a lot, maybe a move away from the generic appearance of a tower. I remember seeing the "G5 Sphere" mock-ups, but not in a while.
  • Reply 4 of 55
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    I liked that picture of the xserve looking powermac that was floating around here about 5 months ago.
  • Reply 5 of 55
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by iBrowse:

    <strong>The towers can be improved a lot, maybe a move away from the generic appearance of a tower. I remember seeing the "G5 Sphere" mock-ups, but not in a while.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have a feeling though that the Pro Towers will always be a "tower".
  • Reply 6 of 55
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    I think the next trick will be to bring Apple style to an affordable, light tablet computer.

    No joke -- whether it's an supplement to your current computer (a-ha!), or a whole new product line (hmmm.), it's surely in the pipeline.

    Otherwise (and except for the tower, which is design limbo), I agree, Apple has the look of their products down to a science. I can only think of tiny improvements, along with the eternal desires of Thinner and Lighter.

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: Hobbes ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 55
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by tonton:

    [QB]When I'm horny for new design concepts, I sometimes go to <a href=""; target="_blank">applele</a> for a fix. Not too much great going on there these days, though.

    As for non-tower towers, here's the Applele tower concept that matches the salad bowl iMac pretty well:


    Looks like my Honeywell Air Filter!
  • Reply 7 of 55
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    grr! DP.

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: Hobbes ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 55
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    For those interested in learning more about liquidmetal, here's the site...

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 10 of 55
    over here in germany, we had about 80 years ago the discussion: form follows function? function follows form?

    what IS a computer?

    problem with an apple is (never believed, i had to say this!), it wants to be an all-in-one, or as we say here: an egg-laying-wool-milk-swine.

    an apple computer is a lifestyle component: my Cube would fit perfect in a household, beside my stereo and my tv set.

    BUT: an apple computer is also sold as a tool - a typewriter, a calculator, a drawing sheet?-



    is it a hub? is it a tool? what kind of tool?

    depends of software, depends of your lifestyle?-

    probably, for pro users, the "virtual" machine would be a concept: you have different sheets (have you heard of electronic paper?), you can place on your desk, at the wall, you can take with you (have you heard of MITs/Negropontes concept of the "traveling cubical"? you wear a badge, the room identifies, where you are and which docs you need: e.g. leaving a meeting, all datas of the whiteborad are automatically transfered to your workspace?-).

    maybe we see in the near future lots of tiny pieces: a tiny place, size of a crystal case, where you can place your dvd - and datas are available. a keyboard. a headset. glasses, beaming screens on your retina (25 years ago i never believed, people dare to wear - sonys first were orange! - headphones in public?- why not data glasses? more intimate, more personal computing).

    everything wireless, no protocols etc (who says rendevouz?), instant on. question is: has a computer it's "natural" habitat UNDER the desk? or can you think of some hardware, where everything has its own place: the keyboard, the dvd, the monitor is in reach, the "bzzz"things are "somewhere"?-

    for household usage, we will see? nothing. the goal has to be the total integration/assimilation in your lifestyle - wireless, of course. instant on, foldable, small but usefull.

    i agree: the actual imac is desing at its best.

    i agree: a tablet computer is a/just one possibility.


    for marketing reason ("oh, is this an apple on your desk?"), the "virtual machine" is not a good concept - or do you recognize the brand of a piece of paper? how do brand a laser-beamed projection on the wall?

    things will get smaller, easier to use, i like the idea of "lego bricks" - not the peecee concept of screwing things up/together, but to have different elements connceted automatically.

    i'm surfing the iNet with my ibook on my knees, via bluetooth it has a connection to my sony t68i somewhere in my pockets - i don't have to think about protocolls, connectors, cable length, switches, blablabla. imagine, you can "brake" of the tft of a powerbook, so the "machine" is just the keyboard. put a very small (pda size) on it when travelling. a bigger one for bigger jobs. a wireless connection to your tv/big screen, when needed. the harddrive is extern, the keyboard has just some gigs of ram?-

    there is lots of space for new, innovative design - depends on availability of technology

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: k_munic ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 55
    quickquick Posts: 227member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:


    Honest to goodness, how will Apple ever improve upon - or top - this design? They can make it faster, with bigger hard drives and all, of course. But I'm talking specifically about the industrial design.

    How much "flat" can you make an LCD? How could/would you improve the current iMac, strictly from a design standpoint.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It think we unfortunately have to wait for some drastic innovations in technologies and / or material (Liquid Metal) before we see completely new industrial designs for Macs. Until then, only minor revisions of current models will see daylight. The only exception from this rule is the PowerMac tower. This translucent look definitely has to go. My guess is, that the next PM case will be either white or titanium.

    Personally i'd love to see a design which takes the opposite direction from the "all-in-one" concept. A PowerMac which is made of separate components with the size of portable CD-players or even smaller. These small boxes should be easily attachable to each other with a special connector (no cables) and thus you could configure / update your system any time whe way you like.
  • Reply 12 of 55
    Liquid METAL. Hmmm. Nice link!!!

    Watched the movie.

    I think the Powerbook would benefit most! But can you get much thinner? 3/4 inch? Half? Dunno. Leave it to Apple.

    All metal cast iMac? The current design is going to be hard to trump!

    Though I think the most could be done with the 'power'Mac towers. A 970 intro'? I'd love to see a stunning cube-esque design. Make the inches bigger for expandability, put the brick INSIDE and give it a quiet fan, too much to ask?

    The current tower design is functional and superb with it. However, it looks the most tired and 'hotch potched' design at Apple after the 'eMac' (which looks like a Bastard child. Not bad. Could have done better!)

    Lemon Bon Bon

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 55
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:


    Honestly...HOW are they going to top some of this stuff?

    Have you noticed the lack of "mock up" galleries and efforts as of late? We can't top this stuff, people!


    Actually I like many of the mockups a lot more, compared to Apple's designs... (iMac that is - El Capitan 0wnZ)
  • Reply 14 of 55
    Yeah, I know whut yer mean. 'Specially on dem eMacs...

    LEmon BoN Bon
  • Reply 15 of 55
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    While the new iMacs are brilliant they are far from perfect. Here's a list of possible improvements.

    Eliminate the fans for a quieter working environment.

    Speakers should be built into the display for proper stereo imaging without wires and extraneous objects cluttering up the desk of our AIO mac.

    Built-in adjustable video camera.

    Built in sub-woofer.

    Ports on the front where you can actually reach them.

    Ability to rotate the screen... How else are you going to mount it upside down under your kitchen cabinets?

    Digital integration with home theater components. Our 'digital hubs' currently only support analog stereo over a minijack or stereo USB output.

    I love my G4 but this list could go on forever...
  • Reply 16 of 55
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon:

    <strong>Liquid METAL. Hmmm. Nice link!!!

    Watched the movie.

    I think the Powerbook would benefit most! But can you get much thinner? 3/4 inch? Half? Dunno. Leave it to Apple.

    All metal cast iMac? The current design is going to be hard to trump!

    Though I think the most could be done with the 'power'Mac towers. A 970 intro'? I'd love to see a stunning cube-esque design. Make the inches bigger for expandability, put the brick INSIDE and give it a quiet fan, too much to ask?

    The current tower design is functional and superb with it. However, it looks the most tired and 'hotch potched' design at Apple after the 'eMac' (which looks like a Bastard child. Not bad. Could have done better!)

    Lemon Bon Bon

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah...I think a liquidmetal cast iMac and eMac would look f**king awesome.
  • Reply 17 of 55
    [quote]Originally posted by k_munic:

    ...for marketing reason ("oh, is this an apple on your desk?"), the "virtual machine" is not a good concept - or do you recognize the brand of a piece of paper? how do brand a laser-beamed projection on the wall?


    Maybe as we're walking around with goggles on typing in midair accessing a virtual keyboard, we'll be required to wear a helmet or jumpsuit or something with a big Apple on it. Or maybe it's an Apple pendant that is synched via bluetooth to the CPU and won't let you into the computer unless you're weaing it - security and advertising!

    Incidentally, you've got some interesting thoughts, k munic.

  • Reply 18 of 55
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    [quote]Originally posted by dfiler:

    <strong>While the new iMacs are brilliant they are far from perfect. Here's a list of possible improvements.

    Eliminate the fans for a quieter working environment.

    Speakers should be built into the display for proper stereo imaging without wires and extraneous objects cluttering up the desk of our AIO mac.

    Built-in adjustable video camera.

    Built in sub-woofer.

    Ports on the front where you can actually reach them.

    Ability to rotate the screen... How else are you going to mount it upside down under your kitchen cabinets?

    Digital integration with home theater components. Our 'digital hubs' currently only support analog stereo over a minijack or stereo USB output.

    I love my G4 but this list could go on forever...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ports on the front are TOO ugly!

    proper stereo speaks wouldn't work because of their thickness, there are limitations when creating sound. Also a built in sub-woofer?! it would rattle the cd too much, not to mention your whole desk, that is why you put it on the ground in the corer or something.

    build in video camera isn't a bad idea, also a build in mice beside it would be good, assuming it could pick up reasonably well
  • Reply 19 of 55
    My wishlist for the towers:

    1. 2 FW2 ports and 2 USB2 ports on front of machine

    2. 4 FW2 ports and 6 USB2 ports on the back

    3. Integrated surge supression

    4. Back of computer separate from motherboard door, so cables don't swing down with door. Not sure how to do this, but it would be cool.

    5. More HD bays

    6. Cardreader for digi camera cards on front.

    My wishlist for Powerbook:

    1. Better hinges

    2. 2 firewire2 ports

    3. Sturdier design

    4. removable media bay

    5. bluetooth

    6. av out like ibook

    The hardware IS pretty darn awesome, though!

    geez, I can't spell tonight!

    [ 12-17-2002: Message edited by: browncow ]</p>
  • Reply 20 of 55
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I don't think of the tower as in limbo, it's the best tower case money can buy for a near perfect balance of access, expansion, and size. It's not as pretty as it used to be, but it's still the best looking tower case on the market despite that. No real problems.

    The books? Nice, but the white direction of the newest low-end is just too white. Something less shiny and more silvery might be nice for the iBooks.

    TiBooks could stand a little ruggedization, but the demands of maximum screen size in minimum enclosure more or less guarantee a flat box. At least Apple's flat boxes are clean, though I'dlike to see them a bit darker.

    The iMac is a great A-I-O shape with superb ergos. However, it'd be nice to rework the insides to accomodate user accesible optical and HD bays, RAM slots, a CPU daughtercard and an AGP slot. This would surely mean a larger base, but if a 19" widescreen mac were to materialize a slightly larger base wouldn't be at all out of place. Perhaps something oval rather than round, to accentuate the wideness. Maybe even built-in flat panel speaker drivers to either side of the display.

    This buyer will not buy a desktopp machine without a minimum of CPU, GPU, and end user accessible drive replacement/upgradeability. A PC card slot wouldn't be too far out of the question either. Something to deal with USB2/3 firewireXYZ or whateer else comes down the line.
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