OS X Certification Vouchers!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
> Hello,


> Apple is conducting on-line surveys to validate the Mac OS X job tasks

> of service technicians, help desk personnel, technical coordinators,

> and system

> administrators. _These surveys will ensure that Apple develops courses

> and certification exams for the Apple Certified Technical Coordinator

> (ACTC), Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA), and Apple Service

> (ACDT and ACPT) certification tracks that map directly to on-the-job

> tasks.


> Respondents who complete a survey will be given a voucher (good for one

> year) for a free Apple Service or Mac OS X exam of their choice -- a

> $150 value!




> From the list below, choose a survey that maps to your job title or

> area of expertise.


> 1. Mac OS X Support & Troubleshooting Job Task Survey:

> For people who must distinguish between software and hardware

> issues -- for example, service technicians, help desk personnel, and

> technical coordinators who are supporting Mac OS X clients


> 2. Mac OS X Server Support & Troubleshooting (ACTC) Job Task Survey:

> For people who are implementing Mac OS X Server in small to

> medium computing environments -- for example, technical coordinators


> 3. Mac OS X / Mac OS X Server Administration (ACSA) Job Task Survey:

> For people who are supporting Mac OS X clients and administering

> Mac OS X Server in relatively complex, heterogeneous networked

> environments ? for example, system administrators and engineers


> You may respond to more than one survey. For example, technical

> coordinators are encouraged to respond to both the Mac OS X Support &

> Troubleshooting Survey (#1 above) AND the Mac OS X Server Support &

> Troubleshooting (ACTC) survey (#2 above) -- and earn TWO free exams!


> To take a survey, go to apple.com/support/blueprints and follow the

> on-screen instructions. The surveys will be available from June 27 to

> August 1, 2003. If you have any questions about the surveys, please

> send them to certifications@apple.com.


> Thanks and best regards!

> The Apple Certification Team


  • Reply 1 of 2
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member

    Page 1 of 203

    These are not short surveys....
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by qazII

    These are not short surveys....

    hear hear,...

    nonetheless I think I'll see how long I can entertain myself for...

    they should've hired a information designer to streamline this... or better yet get a couple people to ready all the compaints they get...

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